Wednesday, November 28, 2012

When Premature Optimization Isn't

Earlier this month, I decided I wanted to write a post on not all optimization being premature optimization after hearing more than one developer use this mantra as an excuse for not making a better decision in the same week. Bozhidar Bozhanov beat me to it with his post Not All Optimization Is Premature, which makes some excellent but different points than I had planned to make in postulating that there is nothing wrong in early optimizing "if neither readability nor maintainability are damaged and the time taken is negligible."

Bozhanov's post reminded me that I wanted to write this post. I use this post to provide additional examples and support to backup my claims that too many in our community have allowed "avoid premature optimization" to become a "bumper sticker practice." In my opinion, some developers have taken the appropriate advice to "avoid premature optimization" out of context or do not want to spend the time and effort to really think about the reasons behind this statement. It may seem easier to blindly apply it to all situations, but that is just as dangerous as prematurely optimizing.

Good Design is Not Premature Optimization

I like Rod Johnson's differentiation between "design" and "code optimization" in his book Expert One-on-One J2EE Design and Development (2002). Perhaps the most common situations in which I have seen developers make bad decisions under the pretense of "avoiding premature optimization" is making bad architecture or design choices. The incident earlier this month that prompted me to want to write this post was a developer's assertion that we should not design our services to be coarser grained than he wanted because that was premature optimization and his idea of making numerous successive calls on the same service was "easiest" to implement. In my mind, this developer was mistaking the valid warning about not prematurely optimizing code as an excuse to not consider an appropriate design that might require a barely noticeable amount of extra effort.

In his differentiation between design and code optimization, Johnson highlighted, "Minimize the need for optimization by heading off problems with good design." In that same section he warns against "code optimization" for four main reasons: "optimization is hard" ("few things in programming are harder than optimizing existing code"), "most optimization is pointless," "optimization causes many bugs," and "inappropriate optimization may reduce maintainability forever." Johnson states (and I agree), "There is no conflict between designing for performance and maintainability, but optimization may be more problematic."

Applying Appropriate Language Practices is Not Premature Optimization

Most programming languages I'm familiar with often offer multiple ways to accomplish the same thing. In many cases, one of the alternatives has well-known advantages. In such cases, is it really premature optimization to use the better performing alternative? For example, if I'm writing Java code to append characters onto a String within a loop, why would I ever do this with a Java String instead of StringBuilder? Use of StringBuilder is not much different in terms of maintainability or readability for even a relatively new Java developer and there is a known performance benefit that requires no profiling to recognize. It seems silly to write it with String in the name of "avoiding premature optimization" and only change it to StringBuilder when the profiler shows it's a performance issue. That being stated, it would be just as silly to use a StringBuilder for simple concatenations outside of a loop "just in case" that code was ever placed within a loop.

Similarly, it's not "premature optimization" to write a conditional such that the most likely condition is encountered first as long as doing so does not make the code confusing. Another example is the common use of short circuit evaluation in conditionals that can be effective without being premature optimization. Finally, there are cases where certain data structures or collections are more likely to be appropriate than others for a given operation or set of expected operations.

Writing Cleaner Code is Not Premature Optimization

Some developers might confuse more "efficient" (cleaner) source code with premature optimization. Optimizing source code for readability and maintainability (such as in refactoring or carefully crafting original code) has nothing to do with Knuth's original quote. Writing cleaner code often leads to better performance, but this does not mean writing cleaner code is a form of premature optimization.

Others' Thoughts on Misunderstanding of Premature Optimization

Besides the Not All Optimization Is Premature post, other posts on the misapplication of the "avoid premature optimization" mantra include Joe Duffy's The 'premature optimization is evil' myth and 'Avoid Premature Optimization' Does Not Mean 'Write Dumb Code'.

Duffy puts it so well that I'll quote him directly here:

I have heard the "premature optimization is the root of all evil" statement used by programmers of varying experience at every stage of the software lifecycle, to defend all sorts of choices, ranging from poor architectures, to gratuitous memory allocations, to inappropriate choices of data structures and algorithms, to complete disregard for variable latency in latency-sensitive situations, among others. Mostly this quip is used defend sloppy decision-making, or to justify the indefinite deferral of decision-making. In other words, laziness.

The James Hague post points out one of the signs of potentially having crossed into premature optimization: "The warning sign is when you start sacrificing clarity and reliability while chasing some vague notion of performance." Hague also writes, "What's often missed in these discussions is that the advice to 'avoid premature optimization' is not the same thing as 'write dumb code.'" I like this last sentence because I believe that just as some developers have adulterated the agile concept to mean (to them) "no documentation," some developers have adulterated the sound advice to "avoid premature optimization" to mean (to them) "blindly write code."

Premature Optimization is a Real Problem

Premature optimization is a problem we developers must guard against. As Johnson states in the previously cited book, "Few things in programming are harder than optimizing existing code. Unfortunately, this is why optimization is uniquely satisfying to any programmer's ego. The problem is that the resources devoted to such optimization may well be wasted." There makings examples of where premature optimization wastes significant resources and in some cases even makes things perform worse. There is indeed a reason that the well-regarded Knuth wrote that "premature optimization is the root of all evil." I'm not saying that premature optimization doesn't exist or that it's not harmful. I'm just saying that avoiding this admitted dysfunctional behavior is often used an an excuse to avoid thinking or to avoid implementing sound decisions.


Like pithy bumper stickers on cars that naively boil down complex issues to a few clever and catchy words, use of "avoid premature optimization" is often used much more broadly than it was intended. Even the best of recommended practices can cause more harm than benefit when applied improperly and the misuse of "avoid premature optimization" is one of the best examples of this. I have seen the high cost paid in maintainability, readability, and even in performance when supposed "optimization" was implemented too early and at the expense of readability and maintainability for no measurable benefit. However, just as high of a cost can be incurred by blindly using "avoid premature optimization" as an excuse to avoid designing and writing better performing software. "Avoiding premature optimization" is not an excuse to stop thinking.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Type-safe Empty Collections in Java

I have blogged before on the utility of the Java Collections class and have specifically blogged on Using Collections Methods emptyList(), emptyMap(), and emptySet(). In this post, I look at the sometimes subtle but significant differences between using the relevant fields of the Collections class for accessing an empty collection versus using the relevant methods of the Collections class for accessing an empty collection.

The following code demonstrates accessing Collections's fields directly to specify empty collections.

Using Collections's Fields for Empty Collections
  1. /** 
  2.  * Instantiate my collections with empty versions using Collections fields. 
  3.  * This will result in javac compiler warnings stating "warning: [unchecked] 
  4.  * unchecked conversion". 
  5.  */  
  6. public void instantiateWithEmptyCollectionsFieldsAssigment()  
  7. {  
  8.    this.stringsList = Collections.EMPTY_LIST;  
  9.    this.stringsSet = Collections.EMPTY_SET;  
  10.    this.stringsMap = Collections.EMPTY_MAP;        
  11. }  

The code above compiles with javac, but leads to the warning message (generated by NetBeans and Ant in this case):

  1. -do-compile:  
  2.     [javac] Compiling 1 source file to C:\java\examples\typesafeEmptyCollections\build\classes  
  3.     [javac] Note: C:\java\examples\typesafeEmptyCollections\src\dustin\examples\ uses unchecked or unsafe operations.  
  4.     [javac] Note: Recompile with -Xlint:unchecked for details.  

Specifying -Xlint:unchecked as an argument to javac (in this case via the javac.compilerargs=-Xlint:unchecked in the NetBeans file) helps get more specific warning messages for the earlier listed code:

  1. [javac] Compiling 1 source file to C:\java\examples\typesafeEmptyCollections\build\classes  
  2. [javac] C:\java\examples\typesafeEmptyCollections\src\dustin\examples\ warning: [unchecked] unchecked conversion  
  3. [javac]       this.stringsList = Collections.EMPTY_LIST;  
  4. [javac]                                     ^  
  5. [javac]   required: List<String>  
  6. [javac]   found:    List  
  7. [javac] C:\java\examples\typesafeEmptyCollections\src\dustin\examples\ warning: [unchecked] unchecked conversion  
  8. [javac]       this.stringsSet = Collections.EMPTY_SET;  
  9. [javac]                                    ^  
  10. [javac]   required: Set<String>  
  11. [javac]   found:    Set  
  12. [javac] C:\java\examples\typesafeEmptyCollections\src\dustin\examples\ warning: [unchecked] unchecked conversion  
  13. [javac]       this.stringsMap = Collections.EMPTY_MAP;        
  14. [javac]                                    ^  
  15. [javac]   required: Map<String,String>  
  16. [javac]   found:    Map  

NetBeans will also show these warnings if the appropriate hint box is checked in its options. The next three images demonstrate ensuring that the appropriate hint is set to see these warnings in NetBeans and provides an example of how NetBeans presents the code shown above with warnings.

Fortunately, it is easy to take advantage of the utility of the Collections class and access empty collections in a typesafe manner that won't lead to these javac warnings and corresponding NetBeans hints. That approach is to use Collections's methods rather than its fields. This is demonstrated in the next simple code listing.

Using Collections's Methods for Empty Collections
  1. /** 
  2.  * Instantiate my collections with empty versions using Collections methods. 
  3.  * This will avoid the javac compiler warnings alluding to "unchecked conversion". 
  4.  */  
  5. public void instantiateWithEmptyCollectionsMethodsTypeInferred()  
  6. {  
  7.    this.stringsList = Collections.emptyList();  
  8.    this.stringsSet = Collections.emptySet();  
  9.    this.stringsMap = Collections.emptyMap();  
  10. }  

The above code will compile without warning and no NetBeans hints will be shown either. The Javadoc documentation for each field of the Collections class does not address why these warnings occur for the fields, but the documentation for each of the like-named methods does discuss this. Specifically, the documentation for Collections.emptyList(), Collections.emptySet(), and Collections.emptyMap() each state, "(Unlike this method, the field does not provide type safety.)"

Use of the Collections methods for empty collections shown in the last code listing provided type safety without the need to explicitly specify the types stored within that collection because type was inferred by use of the Collections methods in assignments to known and already declared instance attributes with explicitly specified element types. When type cannot be inferred, compiler errors will result when using the Collections methods without an explicitly specified type. This is shown in the next screen snapshot of attempting to do this in NetBeans.

The specific compiler error message is:

  1. [javac] C:\java\examples\typesafeEmptyCollections\src\dustin\examples\ error: method populateList in class Main cannot be applied to given types;  
  2. [javac]       populateList(Collections.emptyList());  
  3. [javac]       ^  
  4. [javac]   required: List<String>  
  5. [javac]   found: List<Object>  
  6. [javac]   reason: actual argument List<Object> cannot be converted to List<String> by method invocation conversion  
  7. [javac] C:\java\examples\typesafeEmptyCollections\src\dustin\examples\ error: method populateSet in class Main cannot be applied to given types;  
  8. [javac]       populateSet(Collections.emptySet());  
  9. [javac]       ^  
  10. [javac]   required: Set<String>  
  11. [javac]   found: Set<Object>  
  12. [javac]   reason: actual argument Set<Object> cannot be converted to Set<String> by method invocation conversion  
  13. [javac] C:\java\examples\typesafeEmptyCollections\src\dustin\examples\ error: method populateMap in class Main cannot be applied to given types;  
  14. [javac]       populateMap(Collections.emptyMap());  
  15. [javac]       ^  
  16. [javac]   required: Map<String,String>  
  17. [javac]   found: Map<Object,Object>  
  18. [javac]   reason: actual argument Map<Object,Object> cannot be converted to Map<String,String> by method invocation conversion  
  19. [javac] 3 errors  

These compiler errors are avoided and type safety is achieved by explicitly specifying the types of the collections' elements in the code. This is shown in the next code listing.

Explicitly Specifying Element Types with Collections's Empty Methods
  1. /** 
  2.  * Pass empty collections to another method for processing and specify those 
  3.  * empty methods using Collections methods. This will result in javac compiler 
  4.  * ERRORS unless the type is explicitly specified. 
  5.  */  
  6. public void instantiateWithEmptyCollectionsMethodsTypeSpecified()  
  7. {  
  8.    populateList(Collections.<String>emptyList());  
  9.    populateSet(Collections.<String>emptySet());  
  10.    populateMap(Collections.<String, String>emptyMap());  
  11. }  

The Collections class's methods for obtaining empty collections are preferable to use of Collections's similarly named fields for that same purpose because of the type safety the methods provide. This allows greater leveraging of Java's static type system, a key theme of books such as Effective Java. A nice side effect is the removal of cluttering warnings and marked NetBeans hints, but the more important result is better, safer code.

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Scripted Reports with Groovy

Groovy has become my favorite scripting language and in this blog I look at some of Groovy's features that make it particularly attractive for presenting text-based reports. The post will show how custom text-based reports of data stored in the database can be easily presented with Groovy. I will highlight several attractive features of Groovy along the way.

I use the Oracle Database 11g Express Edition (XE) for the data source in my example in this post, but any data source could be used. This example does make use of Groovy's excellent SQL/JDBC support and uses the Oracle sample schema (HR). A visual depiction of that sample schema is available in the sample schema documentation.

My example of using Groovy to write a reporting script involves retrieving data from the Oracle HR sample schema and presenting that data via a text-based report. One portion of the script needs to acquire this data from the database and Groovy adds only minimal ceremony to the SQL statement needed to do this. The following code snippet from the script shows use of Groovy's multi-line GString to specify the SQL query string in a user-friendly format and to process the results of that query.

  1. def employeeQueryStr =  
  2. """SELECT e.employee_id, e.first_name, e.last_name,  
  3. , e.phone_number,  
  4.           e.hire_date, e.job_id, j.job_title,  
  5.           e.salary, e.commission_pct, e.manager_id,  
  6.           e.department_id, d.department_name,  
  7.           m.first_name AS mgr_first_name, m.last_name AS mgr_last_name  
  8.      FROM employees e, departments d, jobs j, employees m  
  9.     WHERE e.department_id = d.department_id  
  10.       AND e.job_id = j.job_id  
  11.       AND e.manager_id = m.employee_id(+)"""  
  13. def employees = new TreeMap<Long, Employee>()  
  14. import groovy.sql.Sql  
  15. def sql = Sql.newInstance("jdbc:oracle:thin:@localhost:1521:xe""hr""hr",  
  16.                           "oracle.jdbc.pool.OracleDataSource")  
  17. sql.eachRow(employeeQueryStr)  
  18. {  
  19.    def employeeId = it.employee_id as Long  
  20.    def employee = new Employee(employeeId, it.first_name, it.last_name,  
  21.                      , it.phone_number,  
  22.                                it.hire_date, it.job_id, it.job_title,  
  23.                                it.salary, it.commission_pct, it.manager_id as Long,  
  24.                                it.department_id as Long, it.department_name,  
  25.                                it.mgr_first_name, it.mgr_last_name)  
  26.    employees.put(employeeId, employee)  
  27. }  

The Groovy code above only adds a small amount of code on top of the Oracle SQL statement. The specified SELECT statement joins multiple tables and includes an outer join as well (outer join needed to include the President in the query results despite that position not having a manager). The vast majority of the first part of the code is the SQL statement that could be run as-is in SQL*Plus or SQL Developer. No need for verbose exception catching and result set handling with Groovy's SQL support!

There are more Groovy-specific advantages to point out in the code snippet above. Note that the import statement to import groovy.sql.Sql was allowed when needed and did not need to be at the top of the script file. The example also used Sql.newInstance and Sql.eachRow(GString,Closure). The latter method allows for easy application of a closure to the results of the query. The it special word is the default name for items being processed in the closure. In this case,it can be thought of a a row in the result set. Values in each row are accessed by the underlying database columns' names (or aliases in the case of mgr_first_name and mgr_last_name).

One of the advantages of Groovy is its seamless integration with Java. The above code snippet also demonstrated this via Groovy's use of TreeMap, which is advantageous because it means that the new Employee instances placed in the map based on data retrieved from the database will always be available in order of employee ID.

In the code above, the information retrieved from the database and processed via the closure is stored for each row in a newly instantiated Employee object. This Employee object provides another place to show off Groovy's brevity and is shown next.

  1. @groovy.transform.Canonical  
  2. class Employee  
  3. {  
  4.    Long employeeId  
  5.    String firstName  
  6.    String lastName  
  7.    String emailAddress  
  8.    String phone_number  
  9.    Date hireDate  
  10.    String jobId  
  11.    String jobTitle  
  12.    BigDecimal salary  
  13.    BigDecimal commissionPercentage  
  14.    Long managerId  
  15.    Long departmentId  
  16.    String departmentName  
  17.    String managerFirstName  
  18.    String managerLastName  
  19. }  

The code listing just shown is the entire class! Groovy's property supports makes getter/setter methods automatically available for all the defined class attributes. As I discussed in a previous blog post, the @Canonical annotation is a Groovy AST (transformation) that automatically creates several useful common methods for this class [equals(Object), hashCode(), and toString()]. There is no explicit constructor because @Canonical also handles this, providing a constructor that accepts that class's arguments in the order they are specified in their declarations. It is difficult to image a scenario in which it would be easier to easily and quickly create an object to store retrieved data values in a script.

A JDBC driver is needed for this script to retrieve this data from the Oracle Database XE and the JAR for that driver could be specified on the classpath when running the Groovy script. However, I like my scripts to be as self-contained as possible and this makes Groovy's classpath root loading mechanism attractive. This can be used within this script (rather than specifying it externally when invoking the script) as shown next:

  1. this.class.classLoader.rootLoader.addURL(  
  2.    new URL("file:///C:/oraclexe/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/server/jdbc/lib/ojdbc6.jar"))  

Side Note: Another nifty approach for accessing the appropriate dependent JAR or library is use of Groovy's Grape-provided @Grab annotation. I didn't use that here because Oracle's JDBC JAR is not available in any legitimate Maven central repositories that I am aware of. An example of using this approach when a dependency is available in the Maven public repository is shown in my blog post Easy Groovy Logger Injection and Log Guarding.

With the data retrieved from the database and placed in a collection of simple Groovy objects built for holding this data and providing easy access to it, it is almost time to start presenting this data in a text report. Some constants defined in the script are shown in the next excerpt from the script code.

  1. int TOTAL_WIDTH = 120  
  2. String HEADER_ROW_SEPARATOR = "=".multiply(TOTAL_WIDTH)  
  3. String ROW_SEPARATOR = "-".multiply(TOTAL_WIDTH)  
  4. String COLUMN_SEPARATOR = "|"  
  6. int COLUMN_WIDTH = 22  
  7. int TOTAL_NUM_COLUMNS = 5  

The declaration of constants just shown exemplify more advantages of Groovy. For one, the constants are statically typed, demonstrating Groovy's flexibility to specifying types statically as well as dynamically. Another feature of Groovy worth special note in the last code snippet is the use of the String.multiply(Number) method on the literal Strings. Everything, even Strings and numerics, are objects in Groovy. The multiply method makes it easy to create a String of that number of the same repeating character.

The first part of the text output is the header. The following lines of the Groovy script write this header information to standard output.

  1. println "\n\n${HEADER_ROW_SEPARATOR}"  

The code above shows some more addictive features of Groovy. One of my favorite aspects of Groovy's GString support is the ability to use Ant-like ${} expressions to provide executable code inline with the String. The code above also shows off Groovy's GDK String's support for the center(Number) method that automatically centers the given String withing the specified number of characters. This is a powerful feature for easily writing attractive text output.

With the data retrieved and available in our data structure and with the constants defined, the output portion can begin. The next code snippet shows use of Groovy's standard collections each method to allow iteration over the previously populated TreeMap with a closure applied to each iteration.

  1. employees.each  
  2. { id, employee ->  
  3.    // first line in each output row  
  4.    def idStr = id as String  
  6.    def employeeName = employee.firstName + " " + employee.lastName  
  7.    print "${}${COLUMN_SEPARATOR}"  
  8.    def jobTitle = employee.jobTitle.replace("Vice President""VP").replace("Assistant""Asst").replace("Representative""Rep")  
  9.    print "${}${COLUMN_SEPARATOR}"  
  10.    def salary = '$' + (employee.salary as String)  
  11.    print "${}${COLUMN_SEPARATOR}"  
  12.    println "${}${COLUMN_SEPARATOR}"  
  14.    // second line in each output row  
  15.    print "${COLUMN_SEPARATOR}${employee.hireDate.getDateString().center(COLUMN_WIDTH)}"  
  16.    def managerName = employee.managerFirstName ? "Mgr: ${employee.managerFirstName[0]}. ${employee.managerLastName}" : "Answers to No One"  
  17.    print "${COLUMN_SEPARATOR}${}${COLUMN_SEPARATOR}"  
  18.    print "${}${COLUMN_SEPARATOR}"  
  19.    String commissionPercentage = employee.commissionPercentage ?: "No Commission"  
  20.    print "${}${COLUMN_SEPARATOR}"  
  21.    println "${}${COLUMN_SEPARATOR}"  
  22.    println ROW_SEPARATOR  
  23. }  

The last code snippet is where the data retrieved from the database is output in a relatively attractive text format. The example shows how handles in a closure can be named to be more meaningful. In this case, they are named id and employee and represent the key (Long) and value (Employee) of each entry in the TreeMap.

There are other Groovy features in the last code snippet worth special mention. The presentation of commission uses Groovy's Elvis operator (?:), which makes even Java's conditional ternary look verbose. In this example, if the employee's commission percentage meets Groovy truth standards, that percentage is used; otherwise, "No Commission" is printed.

The handling of the hire date provides another opportunity to tout Groovy's GDK benefits. In this case, Groovy GDK Date.getDateString() is used to easily access the date-only portion of the Date class (time not desired for hire date) without explicit use of a String formatter. Nice!

The last code example also demonstrates use of the as keyword to coerce (cast) variables in a more readable way and also demonstrates more leverage of Java features, in this case taking advantage of Java String's replace(CharSequence, CharSequence) method. Groovy adds some more goodness to String again in this example, however. The example demonstrates Groovy's supporting extracting the first letter only of the manager's first name using subscript (array) notation ([0]) to get only the first character out of the string.

So far in this post, I've shown snippets of the overall script as I explained the various features of Groovy that are demonstrated in each snippet. The entire script is shown next and that code listing is followed by a screen snapshot of how the output appears when the script is executed. The complete code for the Groovy Employee class was shown previously.

generateReport.groovy: The Complete Script
  1. #!/usr/bin/env groovy  
  3. // Add JDBC driver to classpath as part of this script's bootstrapping.  
  4. // See  
  5. // WARNING: This location needs to be adjusted for specific user environment.  
  6. this.class.classLoader.rootLoader.addURL(  
  7.    new URL("file:///C:/oraclexe/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/server/jdbc/lib/ojdbc6.jar"))  
  10. int TOTAL_WIDTH = 120  
  11. String HEADER_ROW_SEPARATOR = "=".multiply(TOTAL_WIDTH)  
  12. String ROW_SEPARATOR = "-".multiply(TOTAL_WIDTH)  
  13. String COLUMN_SEPARATOR = "|"  
  15. int COLUMN_WIDTH = 22  
  16. int TOTAL_NUM_COLUMNS = 5  
  21. // Get instance of Groovy's Sql class  
  22. // See  
  23. import groovy.sql.Sql  
  24. def sql = Sql.newInstance("jdbc:oracle:thin:@localhost:1521:xe""hr""hr",  
  25.                           "oracle.jdbc.pool.OracleDataSource")  
  27. def employeeQueryStr =  
  28. """SELECT e.employee_id, e.first_name, e.last_name,  
  29. , e.phone_number,  
  30.           e.hire_date, e.job_id, j.job_title,  
  31.           e.salary, e.commission_pct, e.manager_id,  
  32.           e.department_id, d.department_name,  
  33.           m.first_name AS mgr_first_name, m.last_name AS mgr_last_name  
  34.      FROM employees e, departments d, jobs j, employees m  
  35.     WHERE e.department_id = d.department_id  
  36.       AND e.job_id = j.job_id  
  37.       AND e.manager_id = m.employee_id(+)"""  
  39. def employees = new TreeMap<Long, Employee>()  
  40. sql.eachRow(employeeQueryStr)  
  41. {  
  42.    def employeeId = it.employee_id as Long  
  43.    def employee = new Employee(employeeId, it.first_name, it.last_name,  
  44.                      , it.phone_number,  
  45.                                it.hire_date, it.job_id, it.job_title,  
  46.                                it.salary, it.commission_pct, it.manager_id as Long,  
  47.                                it.department_id as Long, it.department_name,  
  48.                                it.mgr_first_name, it.mgr_last_name)  
  49.    employees.put(employeeId, employee)  
  50. }  
  52. println "\n\n${HEADER_ROW_SEPARATOR}"  
  54. println HEADER_ROW_SEPARATOR  
  58. print "${'SALARY INFO'.center(COLUMN_WIDTH)}${COLUMN_SEPARATOR}"  
  60. println HEADER_ROW_SEPARATOR  
  62. employees.each  
  63. { id, employee ->  
  64.    // first line in each row  
  65.    def idStr = id as String  
  66.    print "${COLUMN_SEPARATOR}${}${COLUMN_SEPARATOR}"  
  67.    def employeeName = employee.firstName + " " + employee.lastName  
  68.    print "${}${COLUMN_SEPARATOR}"  
  69.    def jobTitle = employee.jobTitle.replace("Vice President""VP").replace("Assistant""Asst").replace("Representative""Rep")  
  70.    print "${}${COLUMN_SEPARATOR}"  
  71.    def salary = '$' + (employee.salary as String)  
  72.    print "${}${COLUMN_SEPARATOR}"  
  73.    println "${}${COLUMN_SEPARATOR}"  
  75.    // second line in each row  
  76.    print "${COLUMN_SEPARATOR}${employee.hireDate.getDateString().center(COLUMN_WIDTH)}"  
  77.    def managerName = employee.managerFirstName ? "Mgr: ${employee.managerFirstName[0]}. ${employee.managerLastName}" : "Answers to No One"  
  78.    print "${COLUMN_SEPARATOR}${}${COLUMN_SEPARATOR}"  
  79.    print "${}${COLUMN_SEPARATOR}"  
  80.    String commissionPercentage = employee.commissionPercentage ?: "No Commission"  
  81.    print "${}${COLUMN_SEPARATOR}"  
  82.    println "${}${COLUMN_SEPARATOR}"  
  83.    println ROW_SEPARATOR  
  84. }  

In this blog post, I've attempted to show how Groovy provides numerous features and other syntax support that make it easier to write scripts for generating readable and relatively attractive output. For more general Groovy scripts that provide text output support, see Formatting simple tabular text data. Although these are nice general solutions, an objective of my post has been to show that it is easy and does not take much time to write customized scripts for generating custom text output with Groovy. Small Groovy-isms such as easily centering a String, easily converting a Date to a String, extracting any desired character from a string based on array position notation, and easily accessing database data make Groovy a powerful tool in generating text-based reports.

Saturday, November 17, 2012

RMOUG Training Days 2013 Presentations Announced: A Mobile Emphasis

The Rocky Mountain Oracle Users Group (RMOUG) has announced the presentations to be given at Training Days 2013. As shown on that page, I will be presenting "Charting Oracle Database Data with JavaFX and Groovy." The abstract for my presentation as shown on the conference materials is shown next:

JavaFX 2.x makes generation and display of data-powered charts powerful and straightforward. JavaFX’s simple APIs allow data sets to be used to create numerous types of charts including pie charts, bar charts, line charts, area charts, bubble charts, and more. JavaFX also supports dynamic charts that are automatically updated when the underlying data changes. With JavaFX poised to become part of Java SE, it is destined to be a standardized technology that is readily available in many environments.

Groovy is a dynamic scripting language that also runs on the JVM and can be used to write concise but powerful scripts. Groovy makes retrieving data from a database relatively painless and is much easier to use than even JDBC. Groovy’s XML parsing is also similarly easy to use and makes Groovy an ideal language for parsing XML to generate charts. JavaFX and Groovy together make it easy to write simple scripts that easily create visually impressive charting results. JavaFX and Groovy can be used with other Java/JVM-based libraries to generate these charts in various medium from websites to desktop clients to PDFs.

I also intend to discuss in this presentation an obvious topic when discussing use of JavaFX and Groovy together: GroovyFX.

One of the major themes of this year's RMOUG Training Days 2013 conference appears to be developing mobile applications, either with Oracle Application Express (APEX) or with Oracle ADF Mobile. The main Oracle web page on Oracle ADF Mobile describes it as "an HTML5 and Java mobile development framework that enables developers to build and extend enterprise applications for iOS and Android from a single code base" and is "based on a hybrid mobile architecture" and "supports access to native device services." The following are some of the sessions at RMOUG Training Days 2013 that are obviously covering mobile application development with Oracle ADF Mobile or with APEX.

  • Mobile Integration through Oracle Technologies
    • Objectives and outline indicate this session will cover general mobile development with Oracle technologies.
    • Jordan Braunstein, Visual Integrator Consulting
  • Oracle ADF – The No Slides Overview
    • "See how far you can get with Oracle ADF in one hour of building web and mobile applications."
    • Shay Shmeltzer, Oracle Corporation
  • Develop Compelling On-Device Mobile Apps – The Simpler Way
    • "This session will discuss and demonstrate developing an on-device mobile application using the technologies and tools you are familiar with: JDeveloper, Java, and ADF Mobile, without writing a single line of device-native code. You can deploy this single code base to both iOS and Android-based devices."
    • Joe Huang, Oracle Corporation
  • ADF Mobile eCourse Pilot
    • "Through interactive presentation and hands-on exercises, you’ll examine the principles to consider when designing mobile applications, as well as understand the road map for developing them."
    • Lynn Munsinger, Oracle Corporation
  • Bring Your iPads! (Because You’re Gonna Build a Mobile APEX App in One Hour!)
    • "Oracle Application Express integrates very easily with JQuery Mobile and this combination can be used to create mobile applications that are supported on a wide range of mobile devices relatively simple."
    • Chris Ostrowski, Avout
  • Building Mobile Applications with Oracle Application Express
    • "This session provides an overview of the basics of jQuery mobile, explains how it is integrated with Oracle Application Express, and discusses how customers can quickly build mobile web applications and extend their existing Oracle Application Express applications with mobile capabilities."
    • David Peake, Oracle Corporation

RMOUG Training Days 2013 looks to have a plethora of database-related presentations as normal, but several of them are focused on MySQL as well as the Oracle database. I will likely try to attend as many of the mobile application development sessions as I can and look forward to presenting on generating charts for data using JavaFX and Groovy.

RMOUG Training Days 2013 will be held 11-13 February 2012 at the Colorado Convention Center in Denver, Colorado.