Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Will StackOverflow Documentation Realize Its Lofty Goal? has had a huge impact on software development. Although I agree with Fred Brooks that there is no silver bullet in software development, has certainly played a significant role in developers learning quicker from others' experiences, being able to learn from many more peoples' experiences, and being more productive. allows developers to benefit from the advantages of social media with community sharing and community voting and improving of the answers provided there. Now, the StackOverflow Documentation Tour, which offers a tour of the new (beta) StackOverflow Documentation, advertises, "Together, we can do for Documentation what we did for Q&A." That's a lofty goal given what StackOverflow and the development community have done for questions and answers.

I have always enjoyed learning from software development "cookbooks" or "recipe-based" books. These example-heavy books have helped me to learn programming languages, frameworks, and libraries more quickly and to apply them in meaningful ways more quickly. Like many developers, I often find the answers to more detailed questions or issues I encounter on This is largely explained by the fact that StackOverflow has so many "contributers" from the worldwide software development community. That vast number of developers increase the probability of any particular issue or need having been encountered before by someone else. StackOverflow Documentation combines the best of the example-heavy cookbooks and StackOverflow's community contributions by combining example-heavy documentation like that commonly presented in cookbooks with the expertise of an entire community that StackOverflow currently enjoys.

My first impression upon reading about StackOverflow Documentation was that it would undoubtedly be a huge success because it does combine the best of the "cookbooks" with the best of StackOverflow. However, as I've thought about it a bit more, I've started to think of some potential hurdles that might prevent it from achieving the success rate of the questions and answers StackOverflow. I describe these thoughts briefly in this post.

Although the documentation for some languages, frameworks, libraries, and toolkits is not very good, some is actually pretty well written. For example, I have long thought highly of the Spring Framework documentation. It's well-written and mixes text and many examples. Another example of well-written documentation with plenty of examples is the Java Tutorials. My most common use of StackOverflow related to Spring and Java has been to get answers to specific issues I've run into or "corner cases" that aren't in the documentation or that I don't know how to look up in the documentation. Basic examples of how to do general things in Spring and in Java have rarely been what I have needed StackOverflow for. Many official documentation sites now allow comments and feedback from the community as well.

I rarely go directly to StackOverflow to ask a specific question. Rather, I typically use a search engine such as Google to type in my search and allow the search engine to point me to potential references. StackOverflow matches are often high on the returned list and I definitely favor returned results that reference StackOverflow over lesser known sites. One of the most disheartening experiences in searching the web to resolve a particularly difficult issue is to have a search engine return no matches or very few matches with no StackOverflow matches. Much of StackOverflow Documentation's success may hinge on its code examples doing well in the search engine algorithms and on developers learning to give it the same preference many of us give to StackOverflow today when choosing which search engine results to look at first.

Besides the advantages of social collaboration that StackOverflow Documentation enjoys, I think a significant advantage of StackOverflow Documentation for developers will be that providing of version information with the examples. The web and blogosphere are full of code-heavy examples, but many of these examples don't providing date or version information. Even when dates are provided, it's not always clear to which versions of a language, framework, toolkit, or library the examples provide. StackOverflow Documentation specifically supports providing of version information and I think that will be extremely beneficial to users of the site. If a contributor associates the wrong version with the example, other community members will be quick to fix it. Even when an original contributor does not keep an example updated as versions change, the community often will likely do so.

Another interesting characteristic of StackOverflow Documentation is the vendor affiliations. StackOverflow Documentation partners include Microsoft, Xamarin (now part of Microsoft), DropBox, PubNub, and PayPal. I can envision these partnerships contributing to or taking away from the success of StackOverflow Documentation. If the partners do a good job of integrating their own documentation with the StackOverflow Documentation rather than just creating a case of developers needing to look in more places for "official" documentation, then it could lead to success. It will be interesting to see how the community edits to partner-affiliated topics will be moderated, censored, and responded to by individuals associated with the partner organization.

Another characteristic of StackOverflow Documentation that gives it a clear advantage over any alternative is its affiliation with the well-established question and answer portion. Developers who needed to create a new account and have an entirely different "rewards" system might be less likely to involve themselves. By sharing the total reputation between traditional Q&A StackOverflow and StackOverflow Documentation, a developer might be more likely to move between the two. This also allows a developer to reference his or her own entries in one of the forums from the other forum when appropriate. StackOverflow Documentation also offers its own specific badges which might be the incentive experienced StackOverflow users need to be active in StackOverflow Documentation.

I expect that StackOverflow Documentation will be a helpful resource and likely a successful one. However, achieving the same level of prominence as its question and answer counterpart may be difficult as the need for community-managed documentation may not be as great as the need for community-managed question and answers was when entered the scene. On the other hand, there were questions and answer forums before StackOverflow (such as JavaRanch), but their existence did not prevent from becoming to go-to resource for many developers.

Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Infinispan Versions Mapped to Minimum Java Versions

I've been playing around a little bit with Infinispan recently and one of the characteristics of this "distributed in-memory key/value data store" that I have noticed is its relatively aggressive adoption and even requirement of later major versions of Java. The following maps Infinispan releases to minimum required Java SE versions per referenced Infinispan documentation.

Infinispan Versions and Their Minimum Required Java Version
Infinispan Version Download Version Mininum Java References / Notes
Infinispan 8.2.x 8.2.4 ("Chakra") Java SE 8 Frequently Asked Questions
Infinispan ISPN-6313
Infinispan 8.1.x 8.1.3 ("Mahou") Java SE 8 Frequently Asked Questions
Infinispan ISPN-6313
Infinispan 8.0.x 8.0.2 ("Infinite Darkness") Java SE 8? Frequently Asked Questions
Infinispan ISPN-6313
Infinispan Release Notes
Infinispan Blog
Infinispan 7.2.x 7.2.5 ("Insanely Bad Elf") Java SE 7 Frequently Asked Questions
Infinispan ISPN-4335
Infinispan 7.1.x 7.1.1 ("Hoptimus Prime") Java SE 7 Frequently Asked Questions
Infinispan ISPN-4335
Infinispan 7.0.x 7.0.3 ("Guinness") Java SE 7 Frequently Asked Questions
Infinispan ISPN-4335
Infinispan 6.0.x 6.0.2 ("Infinium") Java SE 6 Frequently Asked Questions
Infinispan 5.3.x 5.3.0 ("Tactical Nuclear Penguin") Java SE 6 Frequently Asked Questions

It's easy to remember the minimum version of Java required for Infinispan 6.x, Infinispan 7.x, and Infinispan 8.x as each of them requires at least the Java with major version of the same number (Infinispan 6.x requires Java SE 6, Infinispan 7.x requires Java SE 7, and Infinispan 8.x requires Java SE 8).

Saturday, August 27, 2016

Applying JDK 9 @Deprecated Enhancements

I discussed the currently proposed JDK 9 enhancements for the @Deprecated annotation in the blog post JDK 9 @Deprecated Annotation Enhancements. In this post, I look in greater detail at the recommended usage of these minor enhancements and demonstrate how key Java SE APIs are already having these @Deprecated enhancements applied.

The current version of the main JEP 277 ("Enhanced Deprecation") web page states, "The primary purpose of enhancing the @Deprecated annotation is to provide finer-grained information to tools about the deprecation status of an API." The page also describes the two new methods being added to the @Deprecated annotation [forRemoval() and since()]:

  • "A method forRemoval() returning a boolean. If true, it means that this API element is earmarked for removal in a future release. If false, the API element is deprecated, but there is currently no intention to remove it in a future release. The default value of this element is false. ... The forRemoval() boolean element, if true, indicates intent that the API element is to be removed in some future release of the project. Users of the API are thus given advance warning that, if they don't migrate away from the API, their code is liable to break when upgrading to a newer release. If forRemoval() is false, this indicates a recommendation to migrate away from the deprecated API, but without any specific intent to remove that API."
  • "A method named since() returning String. This string should contain the release or version number at which this API became deprecated. It has free-form syntax, but the release numbering should follow the same scheme as the @since Javadoc tag for the project containing the deprecated API. ... The default value of this element is the empty string."

This text makes it clear that the intention is to be able to explicitly state whether a deprecated element is likely (planned) to be removed or if there are no plans to remove the deprecated element. This can be important information for clients of that deprecated element to know with what urgency they need to change their use of the deprecated element to a different element.

The application of new JDK 9 @Deprecated methods on the Java SE API can also be instructive in how they are intended to be used. About this, the JEP 277 page currently states (my emphasis added), "Several Java SE APIs will have a @Deprecated annotation added, updated, or removed. Some proposed changes are listed below. Unless otherwise specified, the deprecations listed here are not for removal. Note that this is not a comprehensive list of deprecations in Java SE 9. Also note that several of these items will not be implemented in Java SE 9." With this overview in mind, I now turn attention to examples from the current JDK 9 API documentation to illustrate these concepts.

Not Yet Deprecated

JEP 277's web page currently lists "add @Deprecated to the Optional.get method (JDK-8160606)" as one of the Java SE APIs for which "proposed changes" apply. Because deprecating Optional.get() is currently associated with a bug (JDK-8160606), it has not been ruled out for JDK 9 even though the current Javadoc documentation doesn't show it applied yet. The next two screen snapshots demonstrate that Optional.get() is not yet deprecated in Java SE 9.

Java SE 8: Optional.get() Introduced
Java SE 9: Optional.get() Not Yet Deprecated

Deprecated With No Plans for Removal

JEP 277 includes deprecation of constructors of "boxed primitives" in its list of Java SE APIs with "proposed changes" in @Deprecation handling. The next two screen snapshots demonstrate that the JDK 9 version of Boolean does have new @Deprecated annotations applied to its constructors.

Java SE 8: Boolean Constructors Not Deprecated
Java SE 9: Boolean Constructors Deprecated since=9

It's worth noting that the newly applied @Deprecated annotations include one of the new methods (since="9"), but not the other (no specification of forRemoval(). In the case, the user of Boolean should assume, unless otherwise stated, that the Boolean constructors were deprecated since Java SE 9, but that there are no current plans to remove these deprecated constructors.

The Applet classes are treated similarly to the "boxed primitive" constructors in terms of JDK 9 @Deprecated annotation. Like the constructors of the boxed primitives classes, key applet-related classes are being newly deprecated in JDK 9, have since="9" included in the annotation to make it clear that they were annotated with Java SE 9, and don't have forRemoval() specified (meaning that false is assumed). Applet deprecation is covered by JEP 289 ("Deprecate the Applet API"), which does state, "Add the @Deprecated(since="9") annotation" to selected applet-related classes.

Applet Class @Deprecated Since JDK 9 But With No forRemoval()

Deprecated and Planned for Removal

One example of something deprecated in JDK 9 and marked for removal is System.runFinalizersOnExit(boolean). The following screen snapshots indicate that this method was already deprecated in Java SE 8, but that its deprecation in Java SE 9 also communicates that there is intent to remove this method. I also like that it communicates that this method deprecated clear back in Java 1.2.

Java SE 8: Deprecated Method with No Hint at Removal Plans or Version Originally Deprecated
Java SE 9: Deprecated Method Communication Original Deprecated Version and Removal Intent


JEP 277 is a highly readable treatise on the current deficiencies of @Deprecated and how the minor enhancements of JDK 9 can mitigate at least a portion of those deficiencies. Although in many ways the JDK 9 changes to @Deprecated might be described as "baby steps," they do provide a little more standardized facility for communicating a particular deprecation's history and future plans than what was available before JDK 9. The section of JEP 277 called "Usage in Java SE" is interesting in its own right because it describes several Java SE APIs (only a subset of which were highlighted in this post) that have been proposed to have their deprecation status changed or have additional details about the deprecation's history and/or future plans added to it.

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

JDK 9 @Deprecated Annotation Enhancements

In the post What Might a New @Deprecated Look Like?, I used the description of JEP 277 ("Enhanced Deprecation") at that time to guide the creation of an enhanced customized @Deprecated annotation. Since that post, however, there have been significant changes made in JEP 277. This post summarizes the changes and the currently planned enhancements to @Deprecated that are slated for JDK 9.

The changes made to JDK-8065614 ("JEP 277: Enhanced Deprecation") on 2016-03-03 18:04 remove the portion of the JEP description that described the proposed @Deprecated enum. The "Alternatives" section of the main JEP 277 page documents why the enum was removed:

Previous versions of this proposal included a variety of "reason" codes including UNSPECIFIED, DANGEROUS, OBSOLETE, SUPERSEDED, UNIMPLEMENTED, and EXPERIMENTAL. These attempted to encode the reason for which an API was deprecated, the risks of using it, and also whether a replacement API is available. In practice, all of this information is too subjective be encoded as values in an annotation. Instead, this information should be described in the Javadoc documentation comment.

The revised @Deprecated annotation now supports two methods as shown in the API documentation. The documentation explains that the forRemoval() method "indicates whether the annotated element is subject to removal in a future version" and returns false by default. The since() method documentation states that this second method "returns the version in which the annotated element became deprecated" and returns empty string by default.

The defaults of false and "" for forRemoval() and since() respectively make sense because these defaults correspond to not being able to specify this information today with @Deprecated. Because there are countless uses of @Deprecated already in code bases, it makes most sense to have these existing uses of @Deprecated correspond to not having a planned removal and to not having "since" specified. Developers will be able to add these values to existing @Deprecated annotations as they desire or not at all.

These are minor additions to the @Deprecated annotation, but the new @Deprecated is still much better than what we have today in earlier versions of Java because we will now be able to specify two very important characteristics of a deprecation within the annotation itself. Specifying when a construct was deprecated and when we plan to remove it altogether provide potentially insightful historical and future-looking information related to the deprecation.

Thursday, August 11, 2016

SPOOLing Queries with Results in psql

SQL*Plus, the Oracle database's command-line tool, provides the SPOOL command to "store query results in a file." The next screen snapshot shows SPOOL used in SQL*Plus to spool the listing of user tables to a file called C:\pdf\output.txt.

Both the executed query and the results of the query have been spooled to the file output.txt as shown in the next listing of that file.

Oracle's SQL*Plus's SPOOL-ed output.txt

  1. SQL> select table_name from user_tables;  
  3. TABLE_NAME                                                                        
  4. ------------------------------                                                    
  5. REGIONS                                                                           
  6. LOCATIONS                                                                         
  7. DEPARTMENTS                                                                       
  8. JOBS                                                                              
  9. EMPLOYEES                                                                         
  10. JOB_HISTORY                                                                       
  11. PEOPLE                                                                            
  12. NUMERAL                                                                           
  13. NUMBER_EXAMPLE                                                                    
  14. COUNTRIES                                                                         
  16. 10 rows selected.  
  18. SQL> spool off  

PostgreSQL's command-line tool, psql, provides functionality similar to SQL*Plus's SPOOL with the \o (\out) meta-command. The following screen snapshot shows this in action in psql.

The file output.txt written via psql's \o meta-command is shown in the next listing.

  1.          List of relations  
  2.  Schema |  Name  | Type  |  Owner     
  3. --------+--------+-------+----------  
  4.  public | albums | table | postgres  
  5. (1 row)  

Only the results of the query run in psql are contained in the generated output.txt file. The query itself, even the longer query produced by using \set ECHO_HIDDEN on, is not contained in the output.

One approach to ensuring that the query itself is output with the query's results written to the file is to use the \qecho meta-command to explicitly write the query to the spooled file before running the query. This is demonstrated in the next screen snapshot.

Using \qecho in conjunction with \o does place the query itself in the written file with the query's results as shown in the next listed output.

  1. select * from albums;  
  2.            title           |     artist      | year   
  3. ---------------------------+-----------------+------  
  4.  Back in Black             | AC/DC           | 1980  
  5.  Slippery When Wet         | Bon Jovi        | 1986  
  6.  Third Stage               | Boston          | 1986  
  7.  Hysteria                  | Def Leppard     | 1987  
  8.  Some Great Reward         | Depeche Mode    | 1984  
  9.  Violator                  | Depeche Mode    | 1990  
  10.  Brothers in Arms          | Dire Straits    | 1985  
  11.  Rio                       | Duran Duran     | 1982  
  12.  Hotel California          | Eagles          | 1976  
  13.  Rumours                   | Fleetwood Mac   | 1977  
  14.  Kick                      | INXS            | 1987  
  15.  Appetite for Destruction  | Guns N' Roses   | 1987  
  16.  Thriller                  | Michael Jackson | 1982  
  17.  Welcome to the Real World | Mr. Mister      | 1985  
  18.  Never Mind                | Nirvana         | 1991  
  19.  Please                    | Pet Shop Boys   | 1986  
  20.  The Dark Side of the Moon | Pink Floyd      | 1973  
  21.  Look Sharp!               | Roxette         | 1988  
  22.  Songs from the Big Chair  | Tears for Fears | 1985  
  23.  Synchronicity             | The Police      | 1983  
  24.  Into the Gap              | Thompson Twins  | 1984  
  25.  The Joshua Tree           | U2              | 1987  
  26.  1984                      | Van Halen       | 1984  
  27. (23 rows)  

The main downside to use of \qecho is that it must be used before every statement to be written to the output file.

The psql variable ECHO can be set to queries to have "all SQL commands sent to the server [sent] to standard output as well." This is demonstrated in the next screen snapshot.

Unfortunately, although setting the psql variable ECHO to queries leads to the query being output along with the results in the psql window, the query is not written to the file by the \o meta-command. Instead, when \o is used with ECHO set to queries, the query itself is printed out again to the window and the results only are written to the specified file. This is because, as the documentation states (I added the emphasis), the \o meta-command writes "the query output ... to the standard output." This is demonstrated in the next screen snapshot.

I have not been able to figure out a way to easily use the \o meta-data command and have both the query and its results written to the file without needing to use \qecho. However, another approach that doesn't require \qecho is to run not try to spool the file output from within psql interactively, but to instead execute a SQL script input file externally.

For example, if I make an input file called input.sql that consisted only of a single line with query

  select * from albums;

I could run psql with the command

  psql -U postgres --echo-queries < input.txt > outputWithQuery.txt

to read that single-line file with the query and write output to the outputWithQuery.txt file. The --echo-queries option works like the \set ECHO queries from within psql and running this command successfully generates the prescribed output file with query and results. The following screen snapshot and the code listing following that demonstrate this.


  1. select * from albums;  
  2.            title           |     artist      | year   
  3. ---------------------------+-----------------+------  
  4.  Back in Black             | AC/DC           | 1980  
  5.  Slippery When Wet         | Bon Jovi        | 1986  
  6.  Third Stage               | Boston          | 1986  
  7.  Hysteria                  | Def Leppard     | 1987  
  8.  Some Great Reward         | Depeche Mode    | 1984  
  9.  Violator                  | Depeche Mode    | 1990  
  10.  Brothers in Arms          | Dire Straits    | 1985  
  11.  Rio                       | Duran Duran     | 1982  
  12.  Hotel California          | Eagles          | 1976  
  13.  Rumours                   | Fleetwood Mac   | 1977  
  14.  Kick                      | INXS            | 1987  
  15.  Appetite for Destruction  | Guns N' Roses   | 1987  
  16.  Thriller                  | Michael Jackson | 1982  
  17.  Welcome to the Real World | Mr. Mister      | 1985  
  18.  Never Mind                | Nirvana         | 1991  
  19.  Please                    | Pet Shop Boys   | 1986  
  20.  The Dark Side of the Moon | Pink Floyd      | 1973  
  21.  Look Sharp!               | Roxette         | 1988  
  22.  Songs from the Big Chair  | Tears for Fears | 1985  
  23.  Synchronicity             | The Police      | 1983  
  24.  Into the Gap              | Thompson Twins  | 1984  
  25.  The Joshua Tree           | U2              | 1987  
  26.  1984                      | Van Halen       | 1984  
  27. (23 rows)  

I don't know how to exactly imitate SQL*Plus's writing of the query with its results from within SQL*Plus in psql without needing to add \qecho meta-commands, but passing the input script to psql with the --echo-queries option works very similarly to invoking and spooling the script from within SQL*Plus.

Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Remembering to Reset Thread Context Class Loader

I'm having a difficult time thinking of anything I like less about working with Java than working with class loaders. This is particularly true when working with application servers or OSGi where the use of multiple class loaders is prevalent and the ability to use class loaders transparently is reduced. I agree with the OSGI Alliance Blog post What You Should Know about Class Loaders that "in a modular environment, class loader code wreaks havoc."

Neil Bartlett has written the blog post The Dreaded Thread Context Class Loader in which he describes why the thread context class loader was introduced and why its use is not "OSGi-friendly." Bartlett states that there are rare cases in which "a library only consults the TCCL," but that in those rare cases "we are somewhat stuck" and "will have to explicitly set the TCCL from our own code before calling into the library."

Alex Miller has also written about the Thread Context Class Loader (TCCL) and points out that "Java frameworks do not follow consistent patterns for classloading" and that "many common and important frameworks DO use the thread context classloader (JMX, JAXP, JNDI, etc)." He emphasizes this, " If you are using a J2EE application server, you are almost certainly relying on code using the thread context classloader." In that post, Miller presents a dynamic proxy-based solution for helping in cases where one needs to "set the thread context classloader" and then "remember the original context classloader and re-set it."

The Knopflerfish Framework, an OSGi implementation, describes how to use the Thread Context Class Loader in the "Programming" section of its documentation. The following quote is excerpted from the "Setting the context classloader" section of Knopflerfish 5.2's "Programming" documentation:

Many external libraries, like most JNDI lookup services requires a correctly set thread context classloader. If this is not set, ClassNotFoundException, or similar might be thrown even if you have included all necessary libs. To fix this, simple spawn a new thread in the activator and do the work from that thread. ... It is not recommended to set the context class loader persistently on the startup thread, since that thread might not be unique for your bundle. Effects might vary depending on OSGi vendor. If you don't spawn a new thread, you must reset the context class loader before returning.

Knopflerish provides a simple class, org.knopflerfish.util.ClassLoaderUtil, that supports switching to a provided class loader (probably would often be the thread context class loader in an OSGi application) and ensures via finally clause that the original context class loader is reset after the operation is completed. I have implemented my own adaptation of that class that is shown in the next code listing.

  1. package dustin.examples.classloader;  
  3. /** 
  4.  * Utility class for running operations on an explicitly specified class loader. 
  5.  */  
  6. public class ClassLoaderSwitcher  
  7. {  
  8.    /** 
  9.     * Execute the specified action on the provided class loader. 
  10.     * 
  11.     * @param classLoaderToSwitchTo Class loader from which the 
  12.     *    provided action should be executed. 
  13.     * @param actionToPerformOnProvidedClassLoader Action to be 
  14.     *    performed on the provided class loader. 
  15.     * @param <T> Type of Object returned by specified action method. 
  16.     * @return Object returned by the specified action method. 
  17.     */  
  18.    public static <T> T executeActionOnSpecifiedClassLoader(  
  19.       final ClassLoader classLoaderToSwitchTo,  
  20.       final ExecutableAction<T> actionToPerformOnProvidedClassLoader)  
  21.    {  
  22.       final ClassLoader originalClassLoader = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader();  
  23.       try  
  24.       {  
  25.          Thread.currentThread().setContextClassLoader(classLoaderToSwitchTo);  
  26.          return;  
  27.       }  
  28.       finally  
  29.       {  
  30.          Thread.currentThread().setContextClassLoader(originalClassLoader);  
  31.       }  
  32.    }  
  34.    /** 
  35.     * Execute the specified action on the provided class loader. 
  36.     * 
  37.     * @param classLoaderToSwitchTo Class loader from which the 
  38.     *    provided action should be executed. 
  39.     * @param actionToPerformOnProvidedClassLoader Action to be 
  40.     *    performed on the provided class loader. 
  41.     * @param <T> Type of Object returned by specified action method. 
  42.     * @return Object returned by the specified action method. 
  43.     * @throws Exception Exception that might be thrown by the 
  44.     *    specified action. 
  45.     */  
  46.    public static <T> T executeActionOnSpecifiedClassLoader(  
  47.       final ClassLoader classLoaderToSwitchTo,  
  48.       final ExecutableExceptionableAction<T> actionToPerformOnProvidedClassLoader) throws Exception  
  49.    {  
  50.       final ClassLoader originalClassLoader = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader();  
  51.       try  
  52.       {  
  53.          Thread.currentThread().setContextClassLoader(classLoaderToSwitchTo);  
  54.          return;  
  55.       }  
  56.       finally  
  57.       {  
  58.          Thread.currentThread().setContextClassLoader(originalClassLoader);  
  59.       }  
  60.    }  
  61. }  

The two methods defined on the ClassLoaderSwitcher class each take an interface as one of their parameters along with a specified class loader. The interfaces prescribe an object with a run() method and that run() method will be executed against the provided class loader. The next two code listings show the interfaces ExecutableAction and ExecutableExceptionableAction.

  1. package dustin.examples.classloader;  
  3. /** 
  4.  * Encapsulates action to be executed. 
  5.  */  
  6. public interface ExecutableAction<T>  
  7. {  
  8.    /** 
  9.     * Execute the operation. 
  10.     * 
  11.     * @return Optional value returned by this operation; 
  12.     *    implementations should document what, if anything, 
  13.     *    is returned by implementations of this method. 
  14.     */  
  15.    T run();  
  16. }

  1. package dustin.examples.classloader;  
  3. /** 
  4.  * Describes action to be executed that is declared 
  5.  * to throw a checked exception. 
  6.  */  
  7. public interface ExecutableExceptionableAction<T>  
  8. {  
  9.    /** 
  10.     * Execute the operation. 
  11.     * 
  12.     * @return Optional value returned by this operation; 
  13.     *    implementations should document what, if anything, 
  14.     *    is returned by implementations of this method. 
  15.     * @throws Exception that might be possibly thrown by this 
  16.     *    operation. 
  17.     */  
  18.    T run() throws Exception;  
  19. }  

Clients calling the methods defined on the ClassLoaderSwitcher class won't necessarily have fewer lines of code than they'd have doing the temporary context class loader switching themselves, but using a common class such as this one ensures that the context class loader is always changed back to the original class loader and thus removes the need for the developer to ensure the reset is available and prevents the "reset" from being inadvertently removed at some point or moved too late in the process at some point.

A client that needs to temporarily change the context class loader for an operation might do so as shown next:

Temporarily Switching ClassLoader Directly to Execute Action

  1. final ClassLoader originalClassLoader = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader();  
  2. try  
  3. {  
  4.    Thread.currentThread().setContextClassLoader(BundleActivator.class.getClassLoader());  
  5.    final String returnedClassLoaderString =  
  6.       String.valueOf(Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader())  
  7. }  
  8. finally  
  9. {  
  10.    Thread.currentThread().setContextClassLoader(originalClassLoader);  
  11. }  

There are not that many lines of code, but one has to remember to reset the context class loader to its original class loader. Using the ClassLoaderSwitcher utility class to do the same thing is demonstrated next.

Using ClassLoaderSwitcher to Switch Class Loader to Execute Action (pre-JDK 8)

  1. final String returnedClassLoaderString = ClassLoaderSwitcher.executeActionOnSpecifiedClassLoader(  
  2.    BundleActivator.class.getClassLoader(),  
  3.    new ExecutableAction<String>()  
  4.    {  
  5.       @Override  
  6.       public String run()  
  7.       {  
  8.          return String.valueOf(Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader());  
  9.       }  
  10.    });  

This last example wasn't shorter than the first, but the developer did not need to worry about resetting the context class loader explicitly in the second example. Note that these two examples reference BundleActivator to get an Activator/System class loader in an OSGi application. This is what I used here, but any class that was loaded on the appropriate class loader could be used here instead of BundleActivator. Another thing to note is that my examples use a very simple operation executed on the specified classloader (returning a String representation of the current thread context class loader) that works well here because it makes it easy for me to see that the specified class loader was used. In realistic scenarios, this method could be anything one needed to run on the specified class loader.

If the method I'm invoking on the specified class loader throws a checked exception, I can use the other overloaded method (of the same name) provided by ClassLoaderSwitcher to run that method. This is demonstrated in the next code listing.

Use of ClassLoaderSwitcher with Method that Might Throw Checked Exception (pre-JDK 8)

  1. String returnedClassLoaderString = null;  
  2. try  
  3. {  
  4.    returnedClassLoaderString = ClassLoaderSwitcher.executeActionOnSpecifiedClassLoader(  
  5.       BundleActivator.class.getClassLoader(),  
  6.       new ExecutableExceptionableAction<String>()  
  7.       {  
  8.          @Override  
  9.          public String run() throws Exception  
  10.          {  
  11.             return mightThrowException();  
  12.          }  
  13.       });  
  14. }  
  15. catch (Exception exception)  
  16. {  
  17.    System.out.println("Exception thrown while trying to run action.");  
  18. }  

With JDK 8, we can make the client code more concise. The next two code listings contain methods corresponding to the methods shown in the previous two code listings, but changed to JDK 8 style.

Using ClassLoaderSwitcher to Switch Class Loader to Execute Action (JDK 8 Style)

  1. final String returnedClassLoaderString = ClassLoaderSwitcher.executeActionOnSpecifiedClassLoader(  
  2.    urlClassLoader,  
  3.    (ExecutableAction<String>) () ->  
  4.    {  
  5.       return String.valueOf(Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader());  
  6.    });  

Use of ClassLoaderSwitcher with Method that Might Throw Checked Exception (JDK 8 Style)

  1. String returnedClassLoaderString = null;  
  2. try  
  3. {  
  4.    returnedClassLoaderString = ClassLoaderSwitcher.executeActionOnSpecifiedClassLoader(  
  5.       urlClassLoader,  
  6.       (ExecutableExceptionableAction<String>) () -> {  
  7.          return mightThrowException();  
  8.       });  
  9. }  
  10. catch (Exception exception)  
  11. {  
  12.    System.out.println("Exception thrown while trying to run action.");  
  13. }  

The lambda expressions of JDK 8 make the client code using ClassLoaderSwitcher more concise (and arguably more readable) than directly setting and resetting the context class loader and at the same time provide greater safety by ensuring that the context class loader is always switched back to its original class loader.


Although it's undoubtedly best to avoid switching the context class loader as much as possible, there may be times when you have no other reasonable choice. In those times, encapsulating the multiple steps involved in the switch and switch back into a single method that can be called by clients adds safety to the operation and can even allow the client to have more concise code if written in JDK 8.

Additional References

Some of these references have already been mentioned and even highlighted in this post, but I include them again here for convenience.

Saturday, August 6, 2016

Log4j 2.x XSD is Not Fully Descriptive

In the blog post JAXB and Log4j XML Configuration Files, I discussed "nuances and subtleties associated with using JAXB to work with [Log4j 1.x and Log4j 2.x] XML configuration files via Java classes." In this post, I look at another challenge associated with generation of Log4j 2.x configuration XML via JAXB objects generated from the Log4j 2.x XML Schema file Log4j-config.xsd: it doesn't fully specify the Log4j 2.x components' configuration characteristics.

When working with Log4j 2.x XML configuration, one of the first distinctions that is important to make is which "flavor" of XML is to be used ("concise" or "strict"). The concise format may be easier because names of XML elements correspond to the Log4j 2 components they represent, but only the strict format is supported by the XSD. The implication here is that any XML marshaled from JAXB objects generated from the Log4j 2.x XSD will necessarily be of "strict" format rather than of "concise" format.

Unfortunately, the XSD (Log4j-config.xsd) currently provided with the Log4j 2.x distribution is not sufficient for generating the full "strict" XML configuration supported by Log4j 2. I demonstrate this here with discussion of the XSD-defined complex type "AppenderType" because it's one of the most extreme cases of a supported element lacking specification of its potential attributes in the XSD. The code listing below shows AppenderType's definition in the Log4j-config.xsd as of Log4j 2.6.2.

AppenderType Defined in Log4j 2.6.2's Log4j-config.xsd
  1. <xs:complexType name="AppenderType">  
  2.    <xs:sequence>  
  3.       <xs:element name="Layout" type="LayoutType" minOccurs="0"/>  
  4.       <xs:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1">  
  5.          <xs:element name="Filters" type="FiltersType"/>  
  6.          <xs:element name="Filter" type="FilterType"/>  
  7.       </xs:choice>  
  8.    </xs:sequence>  
  9.    <xs:attribute name="type" type="xs:string" use="required"/>  
  10.    <xs:attribute name="name" type="xs:string" use="required"/>  
  11.    <xs:attribute name="fileName" type="xs:string" use="optional"/>  
  12. </xs:complexType>  

The excerpt of the XSD just shown tells us that an appender described in XSD-compliant XML will only be able have one or more of the three attributes (type, name, and fileName). The "type" attribute is used to identify the type of appender it is (such as "File", "RollingFile", "Console", "Socket", and "Syslog"). The problem is that each "type" of appender has different properties and characteristics that ideally would be described by attributes on this AppenderType.

The Log4j 2.x documentation on Appenders lists characteristics of the different types of appenders. For example, this page indicates that the ConsoleAppender has seven parameters: filter, layout, follow, direct, name, ignoreExceptions, and target. The name is one of the attributes supported by the general AppenderType complex type and filter and layout are supported via nested elements in that AppenderType. The other four parameters that are available for a ConsoleAppender, however, have no mechanism prescribed in the XSD to define them.

Without even considering custom Log4j 2.x appenders, the built-in Log4j 2.x appenders don't share the same attributes and characteristics and most of them have more characteristics than the three attributes and two nested elements of the AppenderType specify. I discussed the seven parameters of a Console Appender previously and other examples include the RollingFileAppender with its twelve parameters (append, bufferedIO, bufferSize, filter, fileName, filePattern, immediateFlush, layout, name, policy, strategy, ignoreExceptions) the JDBCAppender with its seven parameters (name, ignoreExceptions, filter, bufferSize, connectionSource, tableName, columnConfigs), and the JMSAppender with its thirteen parameters (factoryBindingName, factoryName, filter, layout, name, password, providerURL, destinationBindingName, securityPrincipalName, securityCredentials, ignoreExceptions, urlPkgPrefixes, userName).

To describe each parameter available for a given appender type in the XSD would require the ability in XML Schema to write that a particular set of available attributes depends on the setting of the AppenderType's type attribute. Unfortunately, XML Schema doesn't readily support this type of conditional specification in which the available attributes of a given complex type are different based on one of the complex type's other attributes.

Because of the limitations of the schema language, a person wanting to use JAXB to generate objects with full support for all of the provided appenders would need to change the XSD. One approach would be to change the XSD so that an AppenderType had all possible attributes of any of the built-in appenders available as optional attributes for the element. The most obvious downside of this is that that XSD would then allow any appender type to have any attribute even when the attribute did not apply to a particular appender type. However, this approach would allow for the JAXB-generated objects to marshal out all XML attributes for a given appender type. The next code snippet illustrates how this might be started. Some of the additional attributes different appenders need are specified here, but even this longer list doesn't contain all of the possible appender attributes needed to support attributes of all possible built-in appender types.

Some Appender Attributes Added to AppenderType

  1. <xs:complexType name="AppenderType">  
  2.    <xs:sequence>  
  3.       <xs:element name="Layout" type="LayoutType" minOccurs="0"/>  
  4.       <xs:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1">  
  5.          <xs:element name="Filters" type="FiltersType"/>  
  6.          <xs:element name="Filter" type="FilterType"/>  
  7.       </xs:choice>  
  8.    </xs:sequence>  
  9.    <xs:attribute name="type" type="xs:string" use="required"/>  
  10.    <xs:attribute name="name" type="xs:string" use="required"/>  
  11.    <xs:attribute name="fileName" type="xs:string" use="optional"/>  
  12.    <!-- Attributes specified below here are not in Log4j 2.x Log4j-config.xsd -->  
  13.    <xs:attribute name="target" type="xs:string" use="optional"/>  
  14.    <xs:attribute name="follow" type="xs:string" use="optional"/>  
  15.    <xs:attribute name="append" type="xs:string" use="optional"/>  
  16.    <xs:attribute name="filePattern" type="xs:string" use="optional"/>  
  17.    <xs:attribute name="host" type="xs:string" use="optional"/>  
  18.    <xs:attribute name="port" type="xs:string" use="optional"/>  
  19.    <xs:attribute name="protocol" type="xs:string" use="optional"/>  
  20.    <xs:attribute name="connectTimeoutMillis" type="xs:integer" use="optional"/>  
  21.    <xs:attribute name="reconnectionDelayMillis" type="xs:string" use="optional"/>  
  22.    <xs:attribute name="facility" type="xs:string" use="optional"/>  
  23.    <xs:attribute name="id" type="xs:string" use="optional"/>  
  24.    <xs:attribute name="enterpriseNumber" type="xs:integer" use="optional"/>  
  25.    <xs:attribute name="useMdc" type="xs:boolean" use="optional"/>  
  26.    <xs:attribute name="mdcId" type="xs:string" use="optional"/>  
  27.    <xs:attribute name="mdcPrefix" type="xs:string" use="optional"/>  
  28.    <xs:attribute name="eventPrefix" type="xs:string" use="optional"/>  
  29.    <xs:attribute name="newLine" type="xs:boolean" use="optional"/>  
  30.    <xs:attribute name="newLineEscape" type="xs:string" use="optional"/>  
  31. </xs:complexType>  

A second approach to changing the Log4j 2.x XSD to support all built-in appenders fully would be to change the XSD design from having a single AppenderType whose specific type was specified by the type attribute to having many different complex types each representing the different built-in appender types. With this approach, all the attributes for any given appender and only the attributes associated with that given appender could be enforced by the XSD. This approach of having an element type per appender is similar to how the "concise" XML format works, but there is no XSD support for that currently.

Note that I have intentionally focused on the built-in appender types here because that's what a static XSD could be expected to reasonably, adequately, and completely support. Aside: this could be supported by specifying arbitrary name/value pairs for attributes as is done for filters or with parameters, but these also lead to the ability to specify extra and even nonsense attributes without any ability for the schema to catch those. A third approach that would support custom types would be to not use a static XSD for describing the grammar, but instead use a generated XSD. One could hand-write such an XSD based upon the descriptions of Log4j 2.x components in the documentation, but a better approach might be to take advantage of the @PluginFactory, @PluginElement, and @PluginAttribute annotations used in the Log4j 2.x source code. The two code listings that follow are from the Apache Log4j 2.6.2 code base and demonstrate how these annotations describe what would be the elements and attributes of given types.

ConsoleAppender.createAppender() Signature

  1. @PluginFactory  
  2. public static ConsoleAppender createAppender(  
  3.    @PluginElement("Layout") Layout<!-- extends Serializable--> layout,  
  4.    @PluginElement("Filter"final Filter filter,  
  5.    @PluginAttribute(value = "target", defaultString = "SYSTEM_OUT"final String targetStr,  
  6.    @PluginAttribute("name"final String name,  
  7.    @PluginAttribute(value = "follow", defaultBoolean = falsefinal String follow,  
  8.    @PluginAttribute(value = "ignoreExceptions", defaultBoolean = truefinal String ignore)  

SysLogAppender.createAppender() Signature

  1. @PluginFactory  
  2. public static SyslogAppender createAppender(  
  3.    // @formatter:off  
  4.    @PluginAttribute("host"final String host,  
  5.    @PluginAttribute(value = "port", defaultInt = 0final int port,  
  6.    @PluginAttribute("protocol"final String protocolStr,  
  7.    @PluginElement("SSL"final SslConfiguration sslConfig,  
  8.    @PluginAttribute(value = "connectTimeoutMillis", defaultInt = 0final int connectTimeoutMillis,  
  9.    @PluginAliases("reconnectionDelay"// deprecated  
  10.    @PluginAttribute(value = "reconnectionDelayMillis", defaultInt = 0final int reconnectionDelayMillis,  
  11.    @PluginAttribute(value = "immediateFail", defaultBoolean = truefinal boolean immediateFail,  
  12.    @PluginAttribute("name"final String name,  
  13.    @PluginAttribute(value = "immediateFlush", defaultBoolean = truefinal boolean immediateFlush,  
  14.    @PluginAttribute(value = "ignoreExceptions", defaultBoolean = truefinal boolean ignoreExceptions,  
  15.    @PluginAttribute(value = "facility", defaultString = "LOCAL0"final Facility facility,  
  16.    @PluginAttribute("id"final String id,  
  17.    @PluginAttribute(value = "enterpriseNumber", defaultInt = Rfc5424Layout.DEFAULT_ENTERPRISE_NUMBER) final int enterpriseNumber,  
  18.    @PluginAttribute(value = "includeMdc", defaultBoolean = truefinal boolean includeMdc,  
  19.    @PluginAttribute("mdcId"final String mdcId,  
  20.    @PluginAttribute("mdcPrefix"final String mdcPrefix,  
  21.    @PluginAttribute("eventPrefix"final String eventPrefix,  
  22.    @PluginAttribute(value = "newLine", defaultBoolean = falsefinal boolean newLine,  
  23.    @PluginAttribute("newLineEscape"final String escapeNL,  
  24.    @PluginAttribute("appName"final String appName,  
  25.    @PluginAttribute("messageId"final String msgId,  
  26.    @PluginAttribute("mdcExcludes"final String excludes,  
  27.    @PluginAttribute("mdcIncludes"final String includes,  
  28.    @PluginAttribute("mdcRequired"final String required,  
  29.    @PluginAttribute("format"final String format,  
  30.    @PluginElement("Filter"final Filter filter,  
  31.    @PluginConfiguration final Configuration config,  
  32.    @PluginAttribute(value = "charset", defaultString = "UTF-8"final Charset charsetName,  
  33.    @PluginAttribute("exceptionPattern"final String exceptionPattern,  
  34.    @PluginElement("LoggerFields"final LoggerFields[] loggerFields, @PluginAttribute(value = "advertise", defaultBoolean = falsefinal boolean advertise)  

This approach requires several steps because one would need to dynamically generate the XSD using knowledge of the main components of the Log4j 2.x architecture in conjunction with annotations processing and then use JAXB to generate the Java classes capable of marshaling the comprehensive Log4j 2.x XML.

Another option to be considered is to use "concise" XML or another form of Log4j 2.x configuration (such as JSON or properties files) and not use the XSD to generate JAXB objects for marshaling Log4j 2.x configuration. It's worth noting that XML configuration files used for Log4j 2.x with the "strict" format obviously do not need to validate against the Log4j-config.xsd or else the "strict" form of XML would not be able to fully specify the Log4j2 configuration. The implication of this is that the remaining value of even having the XSD is either for our own tools or scripts to use it to validate our XML configuration prior to using it with Log4j 2.x or for use in marshaling/unmarshaling Log4j 2.x XML with JAXB.


The Log4j-config.xsd provided with the Log4j2 distribution is not sufficient for validating all Log4j 2.x constructs in "strict" XML configuration and is likewise insufficient for generating JAXB objects to use to marshal Log4j2 strict XML. Developers wishing to use XSD for validation or JAXB class generation would need to manually change the XSD or generate one from the Log4j2 source code.

Additional References

These references were linked to inline in the post above, but are listed here for emphasis.