The following Groovy code listing demonstrates using Groovy's built-in command-line parsing support to obtain city, state, and zip code details. It demonstrates how to handle multiple values for a single argument and how to use the "header" and "footer" options in CliBuilder to add more details to the printed usage statement.
- #!/usr/bin/env groovy
- /*
- * This is a simple script that demonstrates Groovy's built-in support for
- * Apache Commons CLI command-line argument parsing.
- */
- // Many examples of using CliBuilder do so by instantiating it with a single
- // 'usage' parameter. This example goes past that.
- // * 'header': Displayed after usage but before options.
- // * 'footer': Displayed after usage options.
- // * Multiple values for same command-line argument/flag.
- //
- def cli = new CliBuilder(
- usage: 'demoGroovyCliBuilder -c cityName -s stateName -z zipCodes',
- header: '\nAvailable options (use -h for help):\n',
- footer: '\nInformation provided via above options is used to generate printed string.\n')
- import org.apache.commons.cli.Option
- cli.with
- {
- h(longOpt: 'help', 'Usage Information', required: false)
- c(longOpt: 'city', 'City Name', args: 1, required: true)
- s(longOpt: 'state', 'State Name', args: 1, required: true)
- z(longOpt: 'zip', 'Zip Codes (separated by comma)', required: true, args: Option.UNLIMITED_VALUES, valueSeparator: ',')
- o(longOpt: 'options', 'Print Options', required: false)
- }
- def opt = cli.parse(args)
- if (!opt) return
- if (opt.h) cli.usage()
- def cityName = opt.c
- def stateName = opt.s
- def zipCodes = opt.zs // append 's' to end of opt.z to get more than first
- def printOptions = opt.o
- print "The city ${cityName}, ${stateName} has the following zip codes: "
- zipCodes.each
- {
- print "${it} "
- }
- if (printOptions) println cli.options
In the above listing, I provided the
constructor with three arguments: the oft-used usage argument along with header and footer arguments. The usage string is shown first, followed by the header string, followed by presentation of the options, followed by the footer. This is demonstrated in the next screen snapshot which shows the output of the script when the usage is displayed because no required options are specified and includes a successful running of the script to demonstrate the correct parsing of the multiple comma-separated zip codes provided to the -z
option.The "header" and "footer" are convenient because they allow for further customization of the usage statement beyond simple specifying a single Usage string and the individual options' descriptions. Various details about the options or about using the script can be provided via the header and footer mechanisms.
The use of multiple values for a single argument can also be highly useful. The direct use of Apache Commons CLI's Option class (and specifically its UNLIMITED_VALUES constant field) allows the developer to communicate to
that there is a variable number of values that need to be parsed for this option. The character that separates these multiple values (a common in this example) must also be specified by specifying the character via "valueSeparator." It is also important to note that multiple values for the same argument are accessed by adding an "s" to the end of the option name when retrieving it from the instance of Groovy's OptionAccessor (variable named 'opt' in code listing above.)Conclusion
Groovy's built-in command-line parsing is nice to use and can be customized via the
, header
, and footer
settings. It also supports specification of multiple values for a single argument.
1 comment:
thanks, very robust script!
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