Monday, June 11, 2018

Peeking Inside Java Streams with Stream.peek

For a Java developer new to JDK 8-introduced pipelines and streams, the peek(Consumer) method provided by the Stream interface can be a useful tool to help visualize how streams operations behave. Even Java developers who are more familiar with Java streams and aggregation operations may occasionally find Stream.peek(Consumer) useful for understanding the implications and interactions of complex intermediate stream operations.

The Stream.peek(Consumer) method expects a Consumer, which is essentially a block of code that accepts a single argument and returns nothing. The peek(Consumer) method returns the same elements of the stream that were passed to it, so there will be no changes to the contents of the stream unless the block of code passed to the peek(Consumer) method mutates the objects in the stream. It's likely that the vast majority of the uses of Stream.peek(Consumer) are read-only printing of the contents of the objects in the stream at the time of invocation of that method.

The Javadoc-based API documentation for Stream.peek(Consumer) explains this method's behaviors in some detail and provides an example of its usage. That example is slightly adapted in the following code listing:

  1. final List<String> strings  
  2.    = Stream.of("one""two""three""four")  
  3.       .peek(e-> out.println("Original Element: " + e))  
  4.       .filter(e -> e.length() > 3)  
  5.       .peek(e -> out.println("Filtered value: " + e))  
  6.       .map(String::toUpperCase)  
  7.       .peek(e -> out.println("Mapped value: " + e))  
  8.       .collect(Collectors.toList());  
  9. out.println("Final Results: " + strings);  

When the above code is executed, its associated output looks something like this:

Original Element: one
Original Element: two
Original Element: three
Filtered value: three
Mapped value: THREE
Original Element: four
Filtered value: four
Mapped value: FOUR
Final Results: [THREE, FOUR]

The output tells the story of the stream operations' work on the elements provided to them. The first invocation of the intermediate peek operation will write each element in the original stream out to system output with the prefix "Original Element:". Instances of the intermediate peek operation that occur later are not executed for every original String because each of these peek operations occur after at least once filtering has taken place.

The peek-enabled output also clearly shows the results of executing the intermediate operation map on each String element to its upper case equivalent. The collect operation is a terminating operation and so no peek is placed after that. Strategic placement of peek operations provides significant insight into the stream processing that takes place.

The Javadoc for Stream.peek(Consumer) states that "this method exists mainly to support debugging, where you want to see the elements as they flow past a certain point in a pipeline." This is exactly what the example and output shown above demonstrate and is likely the most common application of Stream.peek(Consumer).

Stream.peek(Consumer)'s Javadoc documentation starts with this descriptive sentence, "Returns a stream consisting of the elements of this stream, additionally performing the provided action on each element as elements are consumed from the resulting stream." In the previous example, the action performed on each element as it was consumed was to merely write its string representation to standard output. However, the action taken can be anything that can be specified as a Consumer (any code block accepting a single argument and returning no arguments). The next example demonstrates how peek(Consumer) can even be used to change contents of objects on the stream.

In the first example in this post, peek(Consumer) could not change the stream elements because those elements were Java Strings, which are immutable. However, if the stream elements are mutable, the Consumer passed to peek(Consumer) can alter the contents of those elements. To illustrate this, I'll use the simple class MutablePerson shown next.

  1. package dustin.examples.jdk8.streams;  
  3. /** 
  4.  * Represents person whose name can be changed. 
  5.  */  
  6. public class MutablePerson  
  7. {  
  8.    private String name;  
  10.    public MutablePerson(final String newName)  
  11.    {  
  12.       name = newName;  
  13.    }  
  15.    public String getName()  
  16.    {  
  17.       return name;  
  18.    }  
  20.    public void setName(final String newName)  
  21.    {  
  22.       name = newName;  
  23.    }  
  25.    @Override  
  26.    public String toString()  
  27.    {  
  28.       return name;  
  29.    }  
  30. }  

The next code listing shows how Stream.peek(Consumer) can change the results of the stream operation when the elements in that stream are mutable.

  1. final List<MutablePerson> people  
  2.    = Stream.of(  
  3.       new MutablePerson("Fred"),  
  4.       new MutablePerson("Wilma"),  
  5.       new MutablePerson("Barney"),  
  6.       new MutablePerson("Betty"))  
  7.    .peek(person -> out.println(person))  
  8.    .peek(person -> person.setName(person.getName().toUpperCase()))  
  9.    .collect(Collectors.toList());  
  10. out.println("People: " + people);  

When the above code is executed, it produces output that looks like this:


This example shows that the Consumer passed to peek did change the case of the peoples' names to all uppercase. This was only possible because the objects being processed are mutable. Some have argued that using peek to mutate the elements in a stream might be an antipattern and I find myself uncomfortable with this approach (but I also generally don't like having methods' arguments be "output parameters"). The name of the peek method advertises one's just looking (and not touching), but the Consumer argument it accepts advertises that something could be changed (Consumer's Javadoc states, "Unlike most other functional interfaces, Consumer is expected to operate via side-effects"). The blog post "Idiomatic Peeking with Java Stream API" discusses potential issues associated with using Stream.peek(Consumer) with mutating operations.

Steam.peek(Consumer) is a useful tool for understanding how stream operations are impacting elements.

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