Thursday, January 3, 2019

Parsing Value from StreamCorruptedException: invalid stream header Message

It is a relatively common occurrence to see StreamCorruptedExceptions thrown with a "reason" that states, "invalid stream header" and then provides the first part of that invalid stream header. Frequently, a helpful clue for identifying the cause of that exception is to understand what the invalid stream header is because that explains what is unexpected and causing the issue.

The StreamCorruptedException only has two constructors, one that accepts no arguments and one that accepts a single String describing the exception's "reason". This tells us that the "invalid stream header: XXXXXXXX" messages (where XXXXXXXX represents various invalid header details) are provided by the code that instantiates (and presumably throws) these StreamCorruptedExceptions rather than by that exception class itself. This means that it won't always necessarily be the same formatted message encountered with one of these exceptions, but in most common cases, the format is the same with "invalid stream header: " followed by the first portion of that invalid stream header.

This exception is commonly thrown by an ObjectInputStream. The Javadoc for that class has some useful details that help explain why the "StreamCorruptedException: invalid stream header" is encountered. The class-level Javadoc states, "Only objects that support the or interface can be read from streams." The Javadoc for the ObjectInputStream​(InputStream) constructor states (I added the emphasis), "Creates an ObjectInputStream that reads from the specified InputStream. A serialization stream header is read from the stream and verified."

As the quoted Javadoc explains, ObjectInputStream should be used with serialized data. Many of the cases of the "StreamCorruptedException: invalid stream header" message occur when a text file (such as HTML, XML, JSON, etc.) is passed to this constructor rather than a Java serialized file.

The following are examples of "ASCII" values derived from "invalid stream header" messages associated with StreamCorruptedExceptions and reported online.

Invalid Stream Header Value (HEX) Corresponding Integers Corresponding
"ASCII" Value
Online References / Examples
00000000 000 000 000 000
0A0A0A0A 010 010 010 010
0A0A3C68 010 010 060 104

20646520 032 100 101 032 de
30313031 048 049 048 049 0101
32303138 050 048 049 056 2018
3C21444F 060 033 068 079 <!DO
3c48544d 060 072 084 077 <HTM
3C6F626A 060 111 098 106 <obj  
3C787364 060 120 115 100 <xsd
41434544 065 067 069 068 ACED
48656C6C 072 101 108 108 Hell
4920616D 073 032 097 109 I am
54656D70 084 101 109 112 Temp
54657374 084 101 115 116 Test invalid stream header: 54657374
54686973 084 104 105 115 This
64617364 100 097 115 100 dasd
70707070 112 112 112 112 pppp
72657175 114 101 113 117 requ
7371007E 115 113 000 126 sq ~
77617161 119 097 113 097 waqa
7B227061 123 034 112 097 {"pa

The above examples show the "StreamCorruptedException: invalid stream header" message occurring for cases where input streams representing text were passed to the constructor that expects Java serialized format. The highlighted row is especially interesting. That entry ("ACED" in "ASCII" character representation) looks like what is expected in all files serialized by Java's default serialization, but it's not quite correct.

The "Terminal Symbols and Constants" section of the Java Object Serialization Specification tells us that defines a constant STREAM_MAGIC that is the "Magic number that is written to the stream header." The specification further explains that ObjectStreamConstants.STREAM_MAGIC is defined as (short)0xaced and this can be verified in Java code if desired. The reason that particular entry led to an error is that it should be the hexadecimal representation that is "ACED" rather than the translated "ASCII" character representation. In other words, for that particular case, it was actually literal text "ACED" that was in the first bytes rather than bytes represented by the hexadecimal "ACED" representation.

There are many ways to translate the hexadecimal representation provided in the "StreamCorruptedException: invalid stream header" message to see if it translates to text that means something. If it is text, one knows that he or she is already off to a bad start as a binary serialized file should be used instead of text. The characters in that text can provide a further clue as to what type of text file was being accidentally provided. Here is one way to translate the provided hexadecimal representation to "ASCII" text using Java (available on GitHub):

  1. private static String toAscii(final String hexInput)  
  2. {  
  3.    final int length = hexInput.length();  
  4.    final StringBuilder ascii = new StringBuilder();  
  5.    final StringBuilder integers = new StringBuilder();  
  6.    for (int i = 0; i < length; i+=2)  
  7.    {  
  8.       final String twoDigitHex = hexInput.substring(i, i+2);  
  9.       final int integer = Integer.parseInt(twoDigitHex, 16);  
  10.       ascii.append((char)integer);  
  11.       integers.append(String.format("%03d", integer)).append(" ");  
  12.    }  
  13.    return hexInput + " ==> " + integers.deleteCharAt(integers.length()-1).toString() + " ==> " + ascii.toString();  
  14. }  

Streams of text inadvertently passed to ObjectInputStream's constructor are not the only cause of "StreamCorruptedException: invalid stream header". In fact, any InputStream (text or binary) that doesn't begin with the expected "stream magic" bytes (0xaced) will lead to this exception.

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