When using Java's
Map implementations, it is sometimes common to invoke the
get(Object) method and to react differently based on whether the value returned is null or not. A common assumption might be made that a null returned from
Map.get(Object) indicates there is no entry with the provided key in the map, but this is not always the case. Indeed, if a Java
Map implementation allows for null values, then it is possible for the
Map to return its value for the given key, but that value might be a null. Often this doesn't matter, but if it does, one can use
Map.containsKey() to determine if the
Map entry has a key entry. If it does and the
Map returns
null on a get call for that same key, then it is likely that the key maps to a
null value. In other words, that
Map might return "true" for
containsKey(Object) while at the same time returning "
null" for
get(Object). There are some
Map implementations that do not allow
null values. In those cases, a
null from a "get" call should consistently match a "false" return from the "containsKey" method.
In this blog post, I demonstrate these aspects of
Map.get(Object) and
Map.containsKey(Object). Before going into that demonstration, I will first point out that the
Javadoc documentation for Map.get(Object) does explicitly warn about the subtle differences between
Map.get(Object) and
If this map permits null values, then a return value of null
does not necessarily indicate that the map contains no mapping for the key; it's also possible that the map explicitly maps the key to null
. The containsKey
operation may be used to distinguish these two cases.
For the post's examples, I will be using the States enum defined next:
- package dustin.examples;
- public enum States
- {
- ARIZONA("Arizona"),
- CALIFORNIA("California"),
- COLORADO("Colorado"),
- IDAHO("Idaho"),
- KANSAS("Kansas"),
- MONTANA("Montana"),
- NEVADA("Nevada"),
- NEW_MEXICO("New Mexico"),
- NORTH_DAKOTA("North Dakota"),
- OREGON("Oregon"),
- SOUTH_DAKOTA("South Dakota"),
- UTAH("Utah"),
- WASHINGTON("Washington"),
- WYOMING("Wyoming");
- private String stateName;
- States(final String newStateName)
- {
- this.stateName = newStateName;
- }
- public String getStateName()
- {
- return this.stateName;
- }
- }
package dustin.examples;
* Enum representing select western states in the United Sates.
public enum States
NEW_MEXICO("New Mexico"),
NORTH_DAKOTA("North Dakota"),
SOUTH_DAKOTA("South Dakota"),
/** State name. */
private String stateName;
* Parameterized enum constructor accepting a state name.
* @param newStateName Name of the state.
States(final String newStateName)
this.stateName = newStateName;
* Provide the name of the state.
* @return Name of the state
public String getStateName()
return this.stateName;
The next code listing uses the enum above and populates a map of states to their capital cities. The method accepts a
Class that should be the specific implementation of
Map to be generated and populated.
- private static Map<States, String> generateStatesMap(Class mapClass)
- {
- Map<States,String> mapToPopulate = null;
- if (Map.class.isAssignableFrom(mapClass))
- {
- try
- {
- mapToPopulate =
- mapClass != EnumMap.class
- ? (Map<States, String>) mapClass.newInstance()
- : getEnumMap();
- mapToPopulate.put(States.ARIZONA, "Phoenix");
- mapToPopulate.put(States.CALIFORNIA, "Sacramento");
- mapToPopulate.put(States.COLORADO, "Denver");
- mapToPopulate.put(States.IDAHO, "Boise");
- mapToPopulate.put(States.NEVADA, "Carson City");
- mapToPopulate.put(States.NEW_MEXICO, "Sante Fe");
- mapToPopulate.put(States.NORTH_DAKOTA, "Bismark");
- mapToPopulate.put(States.OREGON, "Salem");
- mapToPopulate.put(States.SOUTH_DAKOTA, "Pierre");
- mapToPopulate.put(States.UTAH, "Salt Lake City");
- mapToPopulate.put(States.WASHINGTON, "Olympia");
- mapToPopulate.put(States.WYOMING, "Cheyenne");
- try
- {
- mapToPopulate.put(States.MONTANA, null);
- }
- catch (NullPointerException npe)
- {
- LOGGER.severe(
- mapToPopulate.getClass().getCanonicalName()
- + " does not allow for null values - "
- + npe.toString());
- }
- }
- catch (InstantiationException instantiationException)
- {
- LOGGER.log(
- Level.SEVERE,
- "Unable to instantiate Map of type " + mapClass.getName()
- + instantiationException.toString(),
- instantiationException);
- }
- catch (IllegalAccessException illegalAccessException)
- {
- LOGGER.log(
- Level.SEVERE,
- "Unable to access Map of type " + mapClass.getName()
- + illegalAccessException.toString(),
- illegalAccessException);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- LOGGER.warning("Provided data type " + mapClass.getName() + " is not a Map.");
- }
- return mapToPopulate;
- }
* Generate and populate a Map of states to capitals with provided Map type.
* This method also logs any Map implementations for which null values are
* not allowed.
* @param mapClass Type of Map to be generated.
* @return Map of states to capitals.
private static Map<States, String> generateStatesMap(Class mapClass)
Map<States,String> mapToPopulate = null;
if (Map.class.isAssignableFrom(mapClass))
mapToPopulate =
mapClass != EnumMap.class
? (Map<States, String>) mapClass.newInstance()
: getEnumMap();
mapToPopulate.put(States.ARIZONA, "Phoenix");
mapToPopulate.put(States.CALIFORNIA, "Sacramento");
mapToPopulate.put(States.COLORADO, "Denver");
mapToPopulate.put(States.IDAHO, "Boise");
mapToPopulate.put(States.NEVADA, "Carson City");
mapToPopulate.put(States.NEW_MEXICO, "Sante Fe");
mapToPopulate.put(States.NORTH_DAKOTA, "Bismark");
mapToPopulate.put(States.OREGON, "Salem");
mapToPopulate.put(States.SOUTH_DAKOTA, "Pierre");
mapToPopulate.put(States.UTAH, "Salt Lake City");
mapToPopulate.put(States.WASHINGTON, "Olympia");
mapToPopulate.put(States.WYOMING, "Cheyenne");
mapToPopulate.put(States.MONTANA, null);
catch (NullPointerException npe)
+ " does not allow for null values - "
+ npe.toString());
catch (InstantiationException instantiationException)
"Unable to instantiate Map of type " + mapClass.getName()
+ instantiationException.toString(),
catch (IllegalAccessException illegalAccessException)
"Unable to access Map of type " + mapClass.getName()
+ illegalAccessException.toString(),
LOGGER.warning("Provided data type " + mapClass.getName() + " is not a Map.");
return mapToPopulate;
The method above can be used to generate Maps of various sorts. I don't show the code right now, but my example creates these Maps with four specific implementations:
ConcurrentHashMap, and
EnumMap. Each of these four implementations is then run through the method
demonstrateGetAndContains(Map), which is shown next.
- private static void demonstrateGetAndContains(final Map<States, String> map)
- {
- final StringBuilder demoResults = new StringBuilder();
- final String mapType = map.getClass().getCanonicalName();
- final States montana = States.MONTANA;
- demoResults.append(NEW_LINE);
- demoResults.append(
- "Map of type " + mapType + " returns "
- + (map.get(montana)) + " for Map.get() using " + montana.getStateName());
- demoResults.append(NEW_LINE);
- demoResults.append(
- "Map of type " + mapType + " returns "
- + (map.containsKey(montana)) + " for Map.containsKey() using "
- + montana.getStateName());
- demoResults.append(NEW_LINE);
- final States kansas = States.KANSAS;
- demoResults.append(
- "Map of type " + mapType + " returns "
- + (map.get(kansas)) + " for Map.get() using " + kansas.getStateName());
- demoResults.append(NEW_LINE);
- demoResults.append(
- "Map of type " + mapType + " returns "
- + (map.containsKey(kansas)) + " for Map.containsKey() using "
- + kansas.getStateName());
- demoResults.append(NEW_LINE);
- LOGGER.info(demoResults.toString());
- }
* Demonstrate Map.get(States) and Map.containsKey(States).
* @param map Map upon which demonstration should be conducted.
private static void demonstrateGetAndContains(final Map<States, String> map)
final StringBuilder demoResults = new StringBuilder();
final String mapType = map.getClass().getCanonicalName();
final States montana = States.MONTANA;
"Map of type " + mapType + " returns "
+ (map.get(montana)) + " for Map.get() using " + montana.getStateName());
"Map of type " + mapType + " returns "
+ (map.containsKey(montana)) + " for Map.containsKey() using "
+ montana.getStateName());
final States kansas = States.KANSAS;
"Map of type " + mapType + " returns "
+ (map.get(kansas)) + " for Map.get() using " + kansas.getStateName());
"Map of type " + mapType + " returns "
+ (map.containsKey(kansas)) + " for Map.containsKey() using "
+ kansas.getStateName());
For this demonstration, I intentionally set up the Maps to have null capital values for Montana to have no entry at all for Kansas. This helps to demonstrate the differences in
Map.get(Object) and
Map.containsKey(Object). Because not every Map implementation type allows for null values, I surrounded the portion that puts Montana without a capital inside a try/catch block.
The results of running the four types of Maps through the code appears next.
Aug 17, 2010 11:23:26 PM dustin.examples.MapContainsGet logMapInfo
INFO: HashMap: {MONTANA=null, WASHINGTON=Olympia, ARIZONA=Phoenix, CALIFORNIA=Sacramento, WYOMING=Cheyenne, SOUTH_DAKOTA=Pierre, COLORADO=Denver, NEW_MEXICO=Sante Fe, NORTH_DAKOTA=Bismark, NEVADA=Carson City, OREGON=Salem, UTAH=Salt Lake City, IDAHO=Boise}
Aug 17, 2010 11:23:26 PM dustin.examples.MapContainsGet demonstrateGetAndContains
Map of type java.util.HashMap returns null for Map.get() using Montana
Map of type java.util.HashMap returns true for Map.containsKey() using Montana
Map of type java.util.HashMap returns null for Map.get() using Kansas
Map of type java.util.HashMap returns false for Map.containsKey() using Kansas
Aug 17, 2010 11:23:26 PM dustin.examples.MapContainsGet logMapInfo
INFO: LinkedHashMap: {ARIZONA=Phoenix, CALIFORNIA=Sacramento, COLORADO=Denver, IDAHO=Boise, NEVADA=Carson City, NEW_MEXICO=Sante Fe, NORTH_DAKOTA=Bismark, OREGON=Salem, SOUTH_DAKOTA=Pierre, UTAH=Salt Lake City, WASHINGTON=Olympia, WYOMING=Cheyenne, MONTANA=null}
Aug 17, 2010 11:23:26 PM dustin.examples.MapContainsGet demonstrateGetAndContains
Map of type java.util.LinkedHashMap returns null for Map.get() using Montana
Map of type java.util.LinkedHashMap returns true for Map.containsKey() using Montana
Map of type java.util.LinkedHashMap returns null for Map.get() using Kansas
Map of type java.util.LinkedHashMap returns false for Map.containsKey() using Kansas
Aug 17, 2010 11:23:26 PM dustin.examples.MapContainsGet generateStatesMap
SEVERE: java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap does not allow for null values - java.lang.NullPointerException
Aug 17, 2010 11:23:26 PM dustin.examples.MapContainsGet logMapInfo
INFO: ConcurrentHashMap: {SOUTH_DAKOTA=Pierre, ARIZONA=Phoenix, WYOMING=Cheyenne, UTAH=Salt Lake City, OREGON=Salem, CALIFORNIA=Sacramento, IDAHO=Boise, NEW_MEXICO=Sante Fe, COLORADO=Denver, NORTH_DAKOTA=Bismark, WASHINGTON=Olympia, NEVADA=Carson City}
Aug 17, 2010 11:23:26 PM dustin.examples.MapContainsGet demonstrateGetAndContains
Map of type java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap returns null for Map.get() using Montana
Map of type java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap returns false for Map.containsKey() using Montana
Map of type java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap returns null for Map.get() using Kansas
Map of type java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap returns false for Map.containsKey() using Kansas
Aug 17, 2010 11:23:26 PM dustin.examples.MapContainsGet logMapInfo
INFO: EnumMap: {ARIZONA=Phoenix, CALIFORNIA=Sacramento, COLORADO=Denver, IDAHO=Boise, MONTANA=null, NEVADA=Carson City, NEW_MEXICO=Sante Fe, NORTH_DAKOTA=Bismark, OREGON=Salem, SOUTH_DAKOTA=Pierre, UTAH=Salt Lake City, WASHINGTON=Olympia, WYOMING=Cheyenne}
Aug 17, 2010 11:23:26 PM dustin.examples.MapContainsGet demonstrateGetAndContains
Map of type java.util.EnumMap returns null for Map.get() using Montana
Map of type java.util.EnumMap returns true for Map.containsKey() using Montana
Map of type java.util.EnumMap returns null for Map.get() using Kansas
Map of type java.util.EnumMap returns false for Map.containsKey() using Kansas
For the three Map types for which I was able to input null values, the Map.get(Object) call returns null even when the containsKey(Object) method returns "true" for Montana because I did put that key in the map without a value. For Kansas, the results are consistently Map.get() returns null and Map.containsKey() returns "false" because there is no entry whatsoever in the Maps for Kansas.
The output above also demonstrates that I could not put a null value for Montana's capital into the
ConcurrentHashMap implementation (an
NullPointerException was thrown).
Aug 17, 2010 11:23:26 PM dustin.examples.MapContainsGet generateStatesMap
SEVERE: java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap does not allow for null values - java.lang.NullPointerException
This had the side effect of keeping
Map.get(Object) and
Map.containsKey(Object) a more consistent respective null and false return values. In other words, it was impossible to have a key be in the map without having a corresponding non-null value.
In many cases, use of
Map.get(Object) works as needed for the particular needs at hand, but it is best to remember that there are differences between
Map.get(Object) and
Map.containsKey(Object) to make sure the appropriate one is always used. It is also interesting to note that Map features a similar
containsValue(Object) method as well.
I list the entire code listing for the MapContainsGet class here for completeness:
- package dustin.examples;
- import java.util.EnumMap;
- import java.util.HashMap;
- import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
- import java.util.Map;
- import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
- import java.util.logging.Level;
- import java.util.logging.Logger;
- public class MapContainsGet
- {
- private static Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger("dustin.examples.MapContainsGet");
- private static final String NEW_LINE = System.getProperty("line.separator");
- private static Map<States, String> generateStatesMap(Class mapClass)
- {
- Map<States,String> mapToPopulate = null;
- if (Map.class.isAssignableFrom(mapClass))
- {
- try
- {
- mapToPopulate =
- mapClass != EnumMap.class
- ? (Map<States, String>) mapClass.newInstance()
- : getEnumMap();
- mapToPopulate.put(States.ARIZONA, "Phoenix");
- mapToPopulate.put(States.CALIFORNIA, "Sacramento");
- mapToPopulate.put(States.COLORADO, "Denver");
- mapToPopulate.put(States.IDAHO, "Boise");
- mapToPopulate.put(States.NEVADA, "Carson City");
- mapToPopulate.put(States.NEW_MEXICO, "Sante Fe");
- mapToPopulate.put(States.NORTH_DAKOTA, "Bismark");
- mapToPopulate.put(States.OREGON, "Salem");
- mapToPopulate.put(States.SOUTH_DAKOTA, "Pierre");
- mapToPopulate.put(States.UTAH, "Salt Lake City");
- mapToPopulate.put(States.WASHINGTON, "Olympia");
- mapToPopulate.put(States.WYOMING, "Cheyenne");
- try
- {
- mapToPopulate.put(States.MONTANA, null);
- }
- catch (NullPointerException npe)
- {
- LOGGER.severe(
- mapToPopulate.getClass().getCanonicalName()
- + " does not allow for null values - "
- + npe.toString());
- }
- }
- catch (InstantiationException instantiationException)
- {
- LOGGER.log(
- Level.SEVERE,
- "Unable to instantiate Map of type " + mapClass.getName()
- + instantiationException.toString(),
- instantiationException);
- }
- catch (IllegalAccessException illegalAccessException)
- {
- LOGGER.log(
- Level.SEVERE,
- "Unable to access Map of type " + mapClass.getName()
- + illegalAccessException.toString(),
- illegalAccessException);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- LOGGER.warning("Provided data type " + mapClass.getName() + " is not a Map.");
- }
- return mapToPopulate;
- }
- private static EnumMap<States, String> getEnumMap()
- {
- return new EnumMap<States, String>(States.class);
- }
- private static void logMapInfo(final Map<States, String> mapToLog)
- {
- LOGGER.info(
- mapToLog != null
- ? (mapToLog.getClass().getSimpleName() + ": " + mapToLog.toString())
- : "null Map");
- }
- private static void demonstrateGetAndContains(final Map<States, String> map)
- {
- final StringBuilder demoResults = new StringBuilder();
- final String mapType = map.getClass().getCanonicalName();
- final States montana = States.MONTANA;
- demoResults.append(NEW_LINE);
- demoResults.append(
- "Map of type " + mapType + " returns "
- + (map.get(montana)) + " for Map.get() using " + montana.getStateName());
- demoResults.append(NEW_LINE);
- demoResults.append(
- "Map of type " + mapType + " returns "
- + (map.containsKey(montana)) + " for Map.containsKey() using "
- + montana.getStateName());
- demoResults.append(NEW_LINE);
- final States kansas = States.KANSAS;
- demoResults.append(
- "Map of type " + mapType + " returns "
- + (map.get(kansas)) + " for Map.get() using " + kansas.getStateName());
- demoResults.append(NEW_LINE);
- demoResults.append(
- "Map of type " + mapType + " returns "
- + (map.containsKey(kansas)) + " for Map.containsKey() using "
- + kansas.getStateName());
- demoResults.append(NEW_LINE);
- LOGGER.info(demoResults.toString());
- }
- public static void main(final String[] arguments)
- {
- final Map<States, String> hashMap = generateStatesMap(HashMap.class);
- logMapInfo(hashMap);
- demonstrateGetAndContains(hashMap);
- final Map<States, String> linkedHashMap = generateStatesMap(LinkedHashMap.class);
- logMapInfo(linkedHashMap);
- demonstrateGetAndContains(linkedHashMap);
- final Map<States, String> concurrentHashMap = generateStatesMap(ConcurrentHashMap.class);
- logMapInfo(concurrentHashMap);
- demonstrateGetAndContains(concurrentHashMap);
- final Map<States, String> enumMap = generateStatesMap(EnumMap.class);
- logMapInfo(enumMap);
- demonstrateGetAndContains(enumMap);
- }
- }
package dustin.examples;
import java.util.EnumMap;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
* Simple example of using Map.get(key) versus Map.containsKey(key).
public class MapContainsGet
/** Handle to java.util.logging Logger. */
private static Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger("dustin.examples.MapContainsGet");
/** New line. */
private static final String NEW_LINE = System.getProperty("line.separator");
* Generate and populate a Map of states to capitals with provided Map type.
* This method also logs any Map implementations for which null values are
* not allowed.
* @param mapClass Type of Map to be generated.
* @return Map of states to capitals.
private static Map<States, String> generateStatesMap(Class mapClass)
Map<States,String> mapToPopulate = null;
if (Map.class.isAssignableFrom(mapClass))
mapToPopulate =
mapClass != EnumMap.class
? (Map<States, String>) mapClass.newInstance()
: getEnumMap();
mapToPopulate.put(States.ARIZONA, "Phoenix");
mapToPopulate.put(States.CALIFORNIA, "Sacramento");
mapToPopulate.put(States.COLORADO, "Denver");
mapToPopulate.put(States.IDAHO, "Boise");
mapToPopulate.put(States.NEVADA, "Carson City");
mapToPopulate.put(States.NEW_MEXICO, "Sante Fe");
mapToPopulate.put(States.NORTH_DAKOTA, "Bismark");
mapToPopulate.put(States.OREGON, "Salem");
mapToPopulate.put(States.SOUTH_DAKOTA, "Pierre");
mapToPopulate.put(States.UTAH, "Salt Lake City");
mapToPopulate.put(States.WASHINGTON, "Olympia");
mapToPopulate.put(States.WYOMING, "Cheyenne");
mapToPopulate.put(States.MONTANA, null);
catch (NullPointerException npe)
+ " does not allow for null values - "
+ npe.toString());
catch (InstantiationException instantiationException)
"Unable to instantiate Map of type " + mapClass.getName()
+ instantiationException.toString(),
catch (IllegalAccessException illegalAccessException)
"Unable to access Map of type " + mapClass.getName()
+ illegalAccessException.toString(),
LOGGER.warning("Provided data type " + mapClass.getName() + " is not a Map.");
return mapToPopulate;
* Provide the {@code Map<States, String>} as an EnumMap.
* @return EnumMap of States to String.
private static EnumMap<States, String> getEnumMap()
return new EnumMap<States, String>(States.class);
* Log the provided Map and its type.
* @param mapToLog Map to have its type and content logged.
private static void logMapInfo(final Map<States, String> mapToLog)
mapToLog != null
? (mapToLog.getClass().getSimpleName() + ": " + mapToLog.toString())
: "null Map");
* Demonstrate Map.get(States) and Map.containsKey(States).
* @param map Map upon which demonstration should be conducted.
private static void demonstrateGetAndContains(final Map<States, String> map)
final StringBuilder demoResults = new StringBuilder();
final String mapType = map.getClass().getCanonicalName();
final States montana = States.MONTANA;
"Map of type " + mapType + " returns "
+ (map.get(montana)) + " for Map.get() using " + montana.getStateName());
"Map of type " + mapType + " returns "
+ (map.containsKey(montana)) + " for Map.containsKey() using "
+ montana.getStateName());
final States kansas = States.KANSAS;
"Map of type " + mapType + " returns "
+ (map.get(kansas)) + " for Map.get() using " + kansas.getStateName());
"Map of type " + mapType + " returns "
+ (map.containsKey(kansas)) + " for Map.containsKey() using "
+ kansas.getStateName());
* Main executable function.
* @param arguments Command-line arguments; none expected.
public static void main(final String[] arguments)
final Map<States, String> hashMap = generateStatesMap(HashMap.class);
final Map<States, String> linkedHashMap = generateStatesMap(LinkedHashMap.class);
final Map<States, String> concurrentHashMap = generateStatesMap(ConcurrentHashMap.class);
final Map<States, String> enumMap = generateStatesMap(EnumMap.class);
I used an enum as the key for this demonstration which was nice because of its satisfactory
equals and
hashCode implementations available immediately with no extra effort on my part. Objects used as keys
without these set properly can misbehave in general and cause
other differences between Map.get(Object) and Map.containsKey(Object) in certain cases.