The Arrays class has been around since JDK 1.2, but the methods for conveniently and simply converting arrays to a readable String including relevant array content without using Arrays.asList() were added with J2SE 5. Both
and Arrays.deepToString(Object[])
are static methods that act upon the arrays provided to them. The former, Arrays.toString(Object[])
, is intended for single-dimension arrays while the latter, Arrays.deepToString(Object[])
, is intended for multi-dimensional arrays. As my example later in this post will demonstrate, the multi-dimension deepToString
will produce expected results even for single-dimension arrays. The two methods also provide easy and safe null handling, something that I appreciate.The next code listing is for a simple demonstration class that demonstrates trying to put the contents of various types of Java arrays into a String format. The types of arrays demonstrated are a single dimension array, a double dimensional array representing multi-dimensional arrays of various sizes, and an array that is really just null. The three methods demonstrated for getting a String out of these three types of arrays are (1) simple Object.toString() on each array (implicitly in case of null array to avoid the dreaded NullPointerException), (2)
, and (3) Arrays.deepToString(Object[])
- package dustin.examples;
- import java.util.Arrays;
- import static java.lang.System.out;
- /**
- * Simple demonstration of Arrays.toString(Object[]) method and the
- * Arrays.deepToString(Object[]) method.
- */
- public class ArrayStrings
- {
- /**
- * Demonstrate usage and behavior of Arrays.toString(Object[]).
- */
- private static void demonstrateArraysToString()
- {
- printHeader("Arrays.toString(Object[])");
- out.println(
- "Single Dimension Arrays.toString: "
- + Arrays.toString(prepareSingleDimensionArray()));
- out.println(
- "Double Dimension Arrays.toString: "
- + Arrays.toString(prepareDoubleDimensionArray()));
- out.println(
- "Null Array Arrays.toString: "
- + Arrays.toString(prepareNullArray()));
- }
- /**
- * Demonstrate usage and behavior of Arrays.deepToString(Object[]).
- */
- private static void demonstrateArraysDeepToString()
- {
- printHeader("Arrays.deepToString(Object[])");
- out.println(
- "Single Dimension Arrays.deepToString: "
- + Arrays.deepToString(prepareSingleDimensionArray()));
- out.println(
- "Double Dimension Arrays.deepToString: "
- + Arrays.deepToString(prepareDoubleDimensionArray()));
- out.println(
- "Null Array Arrays.deepToString: "
- + Arrays.deepToString(prepareNullArray()));
- }
- /**
- * Demonstrate attempting to get String version of array with simple toString()
- * call (not using Arrays class).
- */
- private static void demonstrateDirectArrayString()
- {
- printHeader("Object[].toString() [implicit or explicit]");
- out.println("Single Dimension toString(): " + prepareSingleDimensionArray().toString());
- out.println("Double Dimension toString(): " + prepareDoubleDimensionArray());
- out.println("Null Array toString(): " + prepareNullArray());
- }
- /**
- * Prepare a single-dimensional array to be used in demonstrations.
- *
- * @return Single-dimensional array.
- */
- private static Object[] prepareSingleDimensionArray()
- {
- final String[] names = {"Aaron", "Bianca", "Charles", "Denise", "Elmer"};
- return names;
- }
- /**
- * Prepare a double-dimension array to be used in demonstrations.
- *
- * @return Double-dimensional array.
- */
- private static Object[] prepareDoubleDimensionArray()
- {
- final Object[][] namesAndAges = {
- {"Aaron", 10}, {"Bianca", 25}, {"Charles", 32}, {"Denise", 29}, {"Elmer", 67}};
- return namesAndAges;
- }
- /**
- * Prepare a null array.
- *
- * @return Array that is really null.
- */
- private static Object[] prepareNullArray()
- {
- return null;
- }
- /**
- * Print simple header to standard output with provided header string.
- *
- * @param headerString Text to be included in simple header.
- */
- public static void printHeader(final String headerString)
- {
- out.println(
- "\n===================================================================");
- out.println("== " + headerString);
- out.println(
- "===================================================================");
- }
- /**
- * Main executable function for demonstrating Arrays.toString(Object[]) and
- * Arrays.deepToString(Object[]) methods.
- */
- public static void main(final String[] arguments)
- {
- demonstrateDirectArrayString();
- demonstrateArraysToString();
- demonstrateArraysDeepToString();
- }
- }
The above code exercises the three mentioned approaches for getting a String out of an array on the three different types of arrays: single dimension, multi dimension, and null array. The output from running this code demonstrates the utility of the different approaches. That output is shown next.
=================================================================== == Object[].toString() [implicit or explicit] =================================================================== Single Dimension toString(): [Ljava.lang.String;@3e25a5 Double Dimension toString(): [[Ljava.lang.Object;@19821f Null Array toString(): null =================================================================== == Arrays.toString(Object[]) =================================================================== Single Dimension Arrays.toString: [Aaron, Bianca, Charles, Denise, Elmer] Double Dimension Arrays.toString: [[Ljava.lang.Object;@addbf1, [Ljava.lang.Object;@42e816, [Ljava.lang.Object;@9304b1, [Ljava.lang.Object;@190d11, [Ljava.lang.Object;@a90653] Null Array Arrays.toString: null =================================================================== == Arrays.deepToString(Object[]) =================================================================== Single Dimension Arrays.deepToString: [Aaron, Bianca, Charles, Denise, Elmer] Double Dimension Arrays.deepToString: [[Aaron, 10], [Bianca, 25], [Charles, 32], [Denise, 29], [Elmer, 67]] Null Array Arrays.deepToString: null
The code above and its corresponding output lead to several observations:
- Simple
on arrays is seldom what we want as it only prints the String representation of the array itself and not of its contents. Arrays.toString(Object[])
will print a String representation for multi-dimensional arrays, but this representation suffers the same drawbacks asObject.toString()
after the first dimension. The first dimension (and only dimension for a single dimension array) gets put into an expected String, but deeper dimensions have the sameObject.toString()
, while intended for multi-dimensional arrays, produces the expected results for both single and multi-dimensional arrays.- Both
handle null array gracefully, simply returning a String "null".
I tend to use Java Collections far more than I use Java arrays. However, when I do need to work with arrays, it is nice to have the many useful features of the
class. As this post has demonstrated, Arrays.toString(Object[])
and Arrays.deepToString(Object[])
are particularly valuable in obtaining a useful String representation of an array's contents. The java.util.Arrays class provides similar "deep" methods for performing equals and hashCode functionality on multi-dimensional arrays: Arrays.deepEquals and Arrays.deepHashCode.
I follow your blog posts- and almost all the times- there's something new which I learn from your posts. And your posts are descriptive with code examples as well.
But there's one thing- the text area is very less due to which the code gets split into multiple lines. So you can try using a different theme where u have lot of text space. Or you can even try wordpress ( I find it really good).
Thanks for the feedback. Although I do really like this template and color schemes, I agree with you that the presentation of code listings leaves something to be desired. Because I tend to use a lot of code examples, this can be a problem. I'll look into some ways to improve it. Thanks again for taking the time to provide the feedback.
You can keep the template and color scheme (incidentally, I use the same one for my blog). There is a "Template Designer" tab when you go to the Design page. In the Template Designer, there is a "Layout" button that lets you choose the overall width as well as the width of the right column.
Thanks for the tip. I was thinking about changing the HTML/CSS directly, but I like your idea better. I also checked out use of this template on your blog.
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