Dustin's Software Development Cogitations and Speculations
My observations and thoughts concerning software development (general development, Java, JavaFX, Groovy, Flex, ...).
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Wednesday, April 15, 2009
CSS 2008: JavaScript, JSF, and Domain-Driven Design
The Colorado Software Summit has posted four more presentations from Colorado Software Summit 2008. There are two presentations related to Domain-Driven Design (DDD) in Dan Bergh Johnsson's presentations "The Power of Value — Domain Driven Design and Value Objects" and "Object Orientation, Domain Driven Design, and the Honour of the Programmers' Guild." The other two newly released CSS 2008 presentations, by Bryan Basham, are on JavaScript ("Becoming a JavaScript Wizard") and JavaServer Faces ("Mastering JavaServer Faces"). There is currently a link to the PDFs of these four presentations on the main page or they can be downloaded from the Colorado Software Summit 2008 agenda page.
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